DHRA Rocky Mountain Sled Pulling meeting!

its nice to finally see some more guys give their opinions on this subject. the two real options for sleds here are mocky mtns or united. I think that the way this series was to be set up was as a DHRA, not an NHRA, which I think is diesel trucks, hopefully no gassers so people wont have to wait till 11pm to see the diesels. still hope this will materialize soon, most of us need to know. thanks
The problem with alot of the sleds out your way is trying to decide if they are safe for some of your higher HP trucks. We dont want anybody getting hurt. Thanks for your patience.

I know for a fact, both sleds will stop the higher horse power trucks. One sled is better than the other, and I believe that Rocky Mountain's sled is the better of the two, and their are other people on here that will agree.

That is true but the sled that was used last year was broke more than not. In fact the morgan,ut pull (the arena isn't big enough anyways) the big sled was broke twice before they finally gave up and tried to use the smaller sled for the diesels. So none of the big boys even tried.

The sled in Morgan is United Puller's sled, and it is the worst of the two sleds. They are still working on things to make it more reliable, and I believe it is coming around from where it was a few years ago.
united is working on getting a new to them sled if i remember correctly and thanks brandon it was uniteds in morgan i did get to pull with it doing some trial runs earlyer in the day but thanks to the smoker tractors we got to play with the little sled also it broke @ bullydog with moonlights pull but that was because the sled wasnt in gear and something went wrong but i would like to see this series going heck maybe i will build a sled lol
Last Iheard was the same thing, but I still think that Rocky Mountain's sled would be the best to go with. It has been proven, and all of us have seen it work.
I have been pulling with Rocky Mountain Pullers for about 6 years. I think I have seen it broken once or twice in that time. It is a GOOD sled. Like cahammer said it will stop a 5 engine tractor no problem. There isn't a diesel truck in the country that will give that sled a hard time.

Someone will have to call RMPA, seeings how the DHRA obviously cant close a deal by themselves. they need someone to do their work for them.
I want to start pulling alot more also and who cares what organization it will be for as long as we get to pull. As many of you know we dont make much money if any by winning its just fun and we love to do it. I will also help any way I can.
I want to start pulling alot more also and who cares what organization it will be for as long as we get to pull. As many of you know we dont make much money if any by winning its just fun and we love to do it. I will also help any way I can.

X2 lets get somethin goin :Cheer:
We have been working on this series all week, but our hands are tied until fri, Ogden will let us know on fri evening or monday if we can have the staduim. The dates have already been taken by another person that was supposed to provide the sled,so they are giving him till fri for a deposit, but recent discoveries have shown that he may not even own a sled. He is the whole reason we have not been able to give you guys any answers. We have been talking with united and RMTP. Just as soon as we talk to Ogden I will let everyone know on here, but we may not get an answer till late on fri or monday. Thanks Kyle Any questions or coments please email me Kyle@dhraonline.com
Once again, thanks for the update. I hope you understand why everyone is so excited to get this going. Can't wait to see what happens.
yeah thanks for the update... we all just want to see this get goin :thankyou2:
Sled Pull

ATS in Denver just got a new sled, maybe we should talk to them about using it for our events. ATS seems to make it to all the big events. United pullers is not out of the question either. Everyone that pulls with them loves the sport. Utah pulling is growing very fast and so is the competition.
We have been working on this series all week, but our hands are tied until fri, Ogden will let us know on fri evening or monday if we can have the staduim. The dates have already been taken by another person that was supposed to provide the sled,so they are giving him till fri for a deposit, but recent discoveries have shown that he may not even own a sled. He is the whole reason we have not been able to give you guys any answers. We have been talking with united and RMTP. Just as soon as we talk to Ogden I will let everyone know on here, but we may not get an answer till late on fri or monday. Thanks Kyle Any questions or coments please email me Kyle@dhraonline.com

its monday:poke::poke:
Sorry its so late, just got in about 15 minutes ago. We couldnt get ahold of the person we needed to talk to today, they are supposed to be in tomm. We are going to call them first thing in the morning. We will let you know just as soon as we get answers. Thanks Kyle
Sorry its so late, just got in about 15 minutes ago. We couldnt get ahold of the person we needed to talk to today, they are supposed to be in tomm. We are going to call them first thing in the morning. We will let you know just as soon as we get answers. Thanks Kyle

:thankyou2: sorry im so pushy
I think that we are all sorry if it seems to anyone that we are being pushy, but it is getting to the point that we need to know what is going on here:thankyou2: