DHRA rumors

From a Texan's point of view...you're on the west coast when you pass El Paso...and anyone north of the red river is a Yankee. :poke:
satburn said:

You're west when you walk under this...

What can I say, We are the furthest from both oceans right here in the middle of no mans land in kanasa/missouri

Though the sledpulling and drag racing is quite nice here... :poke:
RedPuller said:
Definately another take for NO Fri/Sat. national events. Stick with the Sat/ Sun deal.

And what is the reasoning behind moving the West coast National event to Utah? Vegas couldn't be a better place for it. I thought this first year of the Vegas Nationals went well, yeah, not too many people but that will change as the sport grows.
I know there is A LOT of sled pulling in the mid west and eastern parts of the country but us west coast people have sled pullers as well.$.02


I thought I read somewhere the Vegas event this year was going to be may 3rd and is a one day event...
All of the tracks in utah are out dated and not maintained. Vegas is one of the newer tracks as far as west coast. I don't think you're going to see any outstanding attendance numbers out of utah(weekend on edge) compared to vegas. It didn't help that dhra vegas was at the same time as may madness either. The biggest complaint i have is that i don't know why you want to race vegas in may last year and utah in august this year when that is too close to hot weather. Just look at nhra they race vegas next week (late october) and early april and nascar is in march. Decent weather is usually march-apr and sept-oct. Seems to me like west coast would be a better season opener or closer.
Vegas is the best venue for the West. Large, modern facilities, well maintained track, "secondary" attractions, excellent lodging and dining, etc.

Whether DHRA does Vegas or another group does it, it should be done.
I live local and I am self employed so a fri/sat deal is less of a problem, but I still do NOT like the change. Also every person that I go with will likely have to work that day. Some people just can't afford to take a day off work losing the pay, and spending what they could have made on the day off. So it's been a while since McBride posted this, where's he at to answer why fri/sat, or tell us that it's the wrong date??!!
The word I got was the Vegas facility priced its self out of the market.
mech2161 said:
The word I got was the Vegas facility priced its self out of the market.

This was my suspicion all along. I figured with the low attendance numbers last year, the DHRA was thinking twice before footing the bill this year on such a state of the art facility.
well every body the new head of sledpullin is in.surfin the dhra site and low and behold there is was (kyle jackson) head of sledpullin!!!!kyle is the track builder from indy and the owner of that bad*SS 53 williys pick up.hats of to you kyle hope all these guy don,t eat you alive hehe. you guys be fare to kyle to he's a good guy with big shoes to fill!!!!!!!!!:rules: :banghead:
Big K said:
Yes, but that doesn't do anything for the Spectators.

Need Spectators just as much as racers ;)

I was a spectator last year at Indy and attended the RFC service, they even announce on saturday that everyone is welcome to attend.
daytondiesel said:
Big K said:
Yes, but that doesn't do anything for the Spectators.

Need Spectators just as much as racers ;)

I was a spectator last year at Indy and attended the RFC service, they even announce on saturday that everyone is welcome to attend.

Yes, I know many did this year also, but LOCAL specatators rather attend their LOCAL place ;)
In the famous words of the Radio Spot - "Sunday Sunday Sunday" It is heritage to have the big event on Sunday. Better ability for spectators. Not many people want to spectate on a Friday, as they cannot get off work. It would be easier for me on the long tow to get home if we did not race on Sunday, but it is what it is.....

Just my 2 cents.
Does the fact that tracks are cheaper on fri/sat verses sat./sun. have anything to do with this?
It shouldn't matter, that's how it goes......everytime something good comes along somehow somebody finds a way to f it up.
why would they change it to fri/sat sunday is always the finals do we always have to change something every year and dhra is getting kind of impersonal dont ya think
Still waiting Mr. McBride, is it a typo or is it actually changed to fri/sat, and if so why so?