DHRA rumors

Looking at the poll here on CompD I'm sure they're gonna leave it as Sat/Sun.
I think in general the polls will show to leave the days alone.
I also believe Eric may have been looking into an earlier qualifing day as too allow people to stick around in the stands Friday night to watch, and on Saturday he would be able to fill them easier........they are pretty empty on Sunday.
From the past years our group has always drove out on Thursday. We just like watching the groups come in and we have helped with the track in years past, and talking with people we have not seen in some time. A couple of things that might have prevoked this poll is the fact that if the show started on Friday afternoon we would have less heat to deal with, since we would be running into the night, also the fact that local area hotels maybe a little more at bay. (Trust me I am right in the thick of it....lol, so not complaining, look at avatar)
Then being able to sleep in a little on Saturday morn and watch the show is all the more worth while. Again starting in the afternoon on Saturday would be a blast to run in the night. Then you have Sunday to head home, which most do now since the stands and pits are just plain empty. I know our run is 10 to 12 hours and we have been doing it since the days of Muncie.
As for a picking on a National Event and days it is run on..........you guys are kidding me right? I know a lot of pulls and finals that are a 4 to 5 day run, and that is with two sleds running at the same time. To think that you can do a large event in two days is going to get funny. I think last year they finshed up qualifing at 11pm. As the event grows you can only get so much done in a day. I mean even NASCAR, if you have ever bought tickets is a 3 day deal or longer depending on track, you still get the package of tickets, but do you go to all the races?, I know I don't. Now the NHRA is 4 days, I know that cause I go. In the future as this sport grows, it maybe come a 3 day event, then what.........eveyone going to complain that you may have to take another day off? Sometimes you can only get to so many things in life..........and if one can not make it five more can in your place.
That is my outtake on the whole thing.........later Jim.
Yes it should be left for Sat/Sun for more then one reason. Easier for everybody, here is another reason the fact that most of the racer's spend more to go and stay at these races then they win if they win. This is a hugh problem for the DHRA if they want to make it, they need to work on getting alot of sponsor to sponsor the races so the winning can be upped. Case in point why drive all over the countries racing for the DHRA, lets use Quick diesel for example to win 500 dollar, When people around Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana ect can go to Great lakes Raceway and earn the same prize money, and not spend as much to get there and its one day event, plus they do a season points that pays out at the end of the year, plus the sponsor give to the winners to. That is sad for the DHRA that is supposed to be the next thing in drag racing a sled pulling too, when you can earn the same money at local tracks and event's they need to work on sponsor's so they can up the winning, plus need more advertising by us we need to tell people besides other diesel bud's about the events we need more spectators at the event. for how big Indy, Texas ect. is, a truck pull at a local fair pulls in the same spectators at least the event and stuff I have seen and been to just my $.02
KingS said:
Yes it should be left for Sat/Sun for more then one reason. Easier for everybody, here is another reason the fact that most of the racer's spend more to go and stay at these races then they win if they win. This is a hugh problem for the DHRA if they want to make it, they need to work on getting alot of sponsor to sponsor the races so the winning can be upped. Case in point why drive all over the countries racing for the DHRA, lets use Quick diesel for example to win 500 dollar, When people around Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana ect can go to Great lakes Raceway and earn the same prize money, and not spend as much to get there and its one day event, plus they do a season points that pays out at the end of the year, plus the sponsor give to the winners to. That is sad for the DHRA that is supposed to be the next thing in drag racing a sled pulling too, when you can earn the same money at local tracks and event's they need to work on sponsor's so they can up the winning, plus need more advertising by us we need to tell people besides other diesel bud's about the events we need more spectators at the event. for how big Indy, Texas ect. is, a truck pull at a local fair pulls in the same spectators at least the event and stuff I have seen and been to just my $.02
Good point, we won quick diesel this year at Indy and the prize was a 1000.00 and a plaque. All that money went for fuel to get the truck to and from there. It was fun but you are right we can win the same cash if not more at our local dragstrip, with out the cost of a hotel, driving 10 to 12 hours, eating out........etc.
I still have fun, but not sure yet if we are going to enter next year......that will remain to be seen.
CumminAtYa said:
Still waiting Mr. McBride, is it a typo or is it actually changed to fri/sat, and if so why so?
Good point CumminAtYa,..........."STILL wating Mr. McBride!!!":hehe:
I guess McBride is not going to come back in here and answer us. He said the "new policy" in that one post is "not to respond on these boards" but for us to "contact them at corporate!" Yeah, like you could get a hold of them there..............................

BTW,.....that poll over on TDR shows over 88% wanting things left as they are.

John_P said:
Good point CumminAtYa,..........."STILL wating Mr. McBride!!!":hehe:
I guess McBride is not going to come back in here and answer us. He said the "new policy" in that one post is "not to respond on these boards" but for us to "contact them at corporate!" Yeah, like you could get a hold of them there..............................

BTW,.....that poll over on TDR shows over 88% wanting things left as they are.

I am not yet a member of TDR but you can stick me with the 88%. It reminds me of this past September's 4 wheel Jamboree at the Indy fairgrounds. It used to be on the maily grassy and shady northside of the grounds. This year they switched it to the asphalt dominant south side where there are very few trees, not to mention the horrible cruising route. I know there are reasons behind everything, but when the overwhelming majority of the people you target don't approve of the change then wouldn't it make sense to listen to them?!
CumminAtYa said:
I am not yet a member of TDR but you can stick me with the 88%. It reminds me of this past September's 4 wheel Jamboree at the Indy fairgrounds. It used to be on the maily grassy and shady northside of the grounds. This year they switched it to the asphalt dominant south side where there are very few trees, not to mention the horrible cruising route. I know there are reasons behind everything, but when the overwhelming majority of the people you target don't approve of the change then wouldn't it make sense to listen to them?!

Absolutely, and I am also one of the ones that is in that 88%,..... although I didn't run that many drag races with my 96' this year. You are also not the only one that told me of the conditions there at the Jamboree this year. It really makes you wonder sometimes.............................................

Take care.

I was at the jamboree to and it was horrible and i didnt talk to one person who was in favor of it so why change something when 88% of the people are going to be pissed off doesnt seem like a good game plan to me
That would throw a wrench in the Fri. night DI party.:rules:
The only one I saw at the SEMA DHRA booth was a rental gal.
Bringing the crowd

I know the nationals this year were not advertised very much in the Baytown area. My shop is a few miles from the track on HWY 146 and there were people coming in that had no idea that there was a diesel race that weekend and after it was all over I saw a few flyers here and there in the windows of a few gas stations down the street. Monday morning people were asking was that diesel race going on this weekend? hell you could have put a sign in front of my shop that would have gotten more exposure than that.
yeah i want the Sat/Sun deal, because that means we can still have the Pre-Race party at DI on Friday Night. That was a good time.
keep sat and sunday, i take off enough work as it is to go to diesel events now!
I know the nationals this year were not advertised very much in the Baytown area. My shop is a few miles from the track on HWY 146 and there were people coming in that had no idea that there was a diesel race that weekend and after it was all over I saw a few flyers here and there in the windows of a few gas stations down the street. Monday morning people were asking was that diesel race going on this weekend? hell you could have put a sign in front of my shop that would have gotten more exposure than that.

HEY YEA! I seen your place....after I drove right past the track...twice...on saturday.....only drove right past it On Sunday once. We DID however have a nice convoy between your shop ( Im assuming its Baytown Diesel Performance) and the Exon station trying to figure where in the hell the street was to turn in to get to the track was. I think there was 6 of us that had that 4 lane pretty much shut down. Visibility was less than 3 feet. :hehe: They must of spent all the sign funding on the " Dont Mess with Texas" signs. They had a pretty good run on those or got a pretty good deal on those things.
Yah your right

HEY YEA! I seen your place....after I drove right past the track...twice...on saturday.....only drove right past it On Sunday once. We DID however have a nice convoy between your shop ( Im assuming its Baytown Diesel Performance) and the Exon station trying to figure where in the hell the street was to turn in to get to the track was. I think there was 6 of us that had that 4 lane pretty much shut down. Visibility was less than 3 feet. :hehe: They must of spent all the sign funding on the " Dont Mess with Texas" signs. They had a pretty good run on those or got a pretty good deal on those things.

The signs on Interstate 10 eastbound will actualy take you south down hwy 3180 and back west on hwy 565 to the racetrack. For some reason they didnt use any signeage on hwy 146. That is Baytown for you god knows they collect enough taxes to put them every couple of miles.
DI Party

BFD99 said:
yeah i want the Sat/Sun deal, because that means we can still have the Pre-Race party at DI on Friday Night. That was a good time.

I am going to have to go to the DI party next year we have missed it every year and I hear it is one Hell of a Party.

Do they have a Margaritta machine there or should we bring one?
BAP said:
I am going to have to go to the DI party next year we have missed it every year and I hear it is one Hell of a Party.

Do they have a Margaritta machine there or should we bring one?
If your offering we are accepting:thankyou2: