DHRA Utah Diesel Nationals

Is anyone else getting excited for this to happen, I know I am. Although, I will most likely not be around for the drag races, I have some family things I need to take care of. I will be there for the pulls though, only as a spectator though:doh: I'm not happy about that at all, but oh well.
I'm pretty excited. Should be a fun event. I'm curious to see how my truck will do.
me too Kevin, I was hoping to get on the track crew or something since I don't have a truck anymore, but I haven't received a call or email back about it.
Man I sucked it up today, the best part of the day was I cut a .057 RT. The truck was a dog. As soon as it shifted into O/D the turbo fell on itself and I was just shoving my foot against metal to no avail...fastest time you ask?


At what MPH you ask? 86.XX:eek:wned:

I don't know if it was the elevation or what but from central Utah where I live, to Salt Lake it made a world of difference. The truck runs good as hell down here and on the freeway if I needed to pass I could easily, as soon as I hit the track bam nothing. Oh well, just gives me an excuse to throw more money at it.
I had fun today didn't do as well as I had hoped. Oh well, just more tweaking to do.
It was a really fun event. Just pulled into home, I will try and get some videos posted up later.
It was a really fun event. Just pulled into home, I will try and get some videos posted up later.

I was just glad to be able to help out. Everyone ran really good, and no carnage... Except for the run for funs:hehe: One of the guys that broke his driveshaft I picked up his U-joint and asked him if he wanted it back:kick: I had a good time though, quite sunburned but still fun. The next pull I think I will be at is the state fair, so see everyone there.
Nice pull Kevin sounds like the trucks running good. Can't tell for sure but did you get some new tires?
