diesel's suck

No where in any response has there been a rational cohearant thought...we are all now dumber for having read this.

to mis-quote billy madison
if your truck has spark plugs you are a :homo:. find a stock gasser that will out pull a stock diesel. spark plug lovin fags. :kick:[/QUO

i have to disagree, i love diesel trucks, but i have to say there are some sick gassers out there. and not many guys give a monkey's anus if there truck can out pull a diesel,pulling is not always the coolest thing out there. for most guys with fast trucks its about speed, and in some areas there is no pulling venue's.

I did not mean just sled pulling what i was meaning was find me a modern gas engine truck that can out pull, haul and get gas milage as good as a moderne diesel. You wont, you would have to find a 650 horse power gasser for that (to match the torque numbers of a diesel). Im not tryin to hate on gassers but come on i thinkevery one can agree when placed side by side with a gasoline burning truck a diesel will IN MOST CASES be the better vehical. :Cheer: And besides who dosent love hearing a turbo spool. :charger: :rockwoot:
WOW! Im sure that was a 15 yr old kid thinking he could run his mouth like this is YouTube.
What's with the influx of dumbchits on Comp D lately? Is it really members with knew names that are bored? Jebus. Get a life already.
two trucks ago I had a 96 12 valve that weighed in around 7k pounds and it would walk c5 vettes, and no they where not stock.
i gotcha. :Cheer:
its all good, i should have been more clear in my first post. :Cheer:

I dont think there are to many people that would trade there diesel for a gasses. come on 660 ft lbs of torque stock from a LMM find a stock gasser with that kind of torque. im tellin ya we can make 600 hp and be making 1200ft lbs + getting 22 mpg when for a gasser to do this they would have to sink a tone of money into in run spray and still would have a extremely hard time ever getting the kind of torque we get. And only be getting 4 mpg if that. Woo that was a long one gotta go give the hands a rest. :soap:
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I did not mean just sled pulling what i was meaning was find me a modern gas engine truck that can out pull, haul and get gas milage as good as a moderne diesel. You wont, you would have to find a 650 horse power gasser for that (to match the torque numbers of a diesel). Im not tryin to hate on gassers but come on i thinkevery one can agree when placed side by side with a gasoline burning truck a diesel will IN MOST CASES be the better vehical. :Cheer: And besides who dosent love hearing a turbo spool. :charger: :rockwoot:

Torque is not what makes the diesel such a good workhorse. It's powerband.

Your heart's in the right place, but misconceptions like that really hurt your case when you're making an argument.

Power is always the determinant. Since the diesel almost always makes the power at a lower rpm, the powerband is almost always wider as well. Higher torque values are merely a means to that end.

There was one other guy that mentioned something about showing him a gasser making ____ft/lbs. Misconceptions.

Since the OP seems to have flown the coope, figure might as well make something of this thread...
its all good, i should have been more clear in my first post. :Cheer:

I dont think there are to many people that would trade there diesel for a gasses. come on 660 ft lbs of torque stock from a LMM find a stock gasser with that kind of torque. im tellin ya we can make 600 hp and be making 1200ft lbs + getting 22 mpg when for a gasser to do this they would have to sink a tone of money into in run spray and still would have a extremely hard time ever getting the kind of torque we get. And only be getting 4 mpg if that. Woo that was a long one gotta go give the hands a rest. :soap:

You have a conceptional problem, lol. You clearly think engine torque is the deal.


(Should be good for days of arguing where I get to practice up on explaining power)
I've seen better p*ssin' contests in grade school....


3rdcummins4x4 + v8gasoverdiesel = Split Personality!

Nope, just my little brother, trying to irritate me. Was visting at my mom's so I decided i would go along with it to let everyone else relax for a minute. But he really does think gassers are better. I hear about it everytime I see him. Sorry guys, I made sure to tell my mother not to let him on these sites anymore so you won't hear from him again. Glad somebody busted him out on that truck not being his. His truck doesn't even have a motor right now.
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You have a conceptional problem, lol. You clearly think engine torque is the deal.


(Should be good for days of arguing where I get to practice up on explaining power)[/QUOTE

I did not typ what i typed to start onther argument all i was saying is find a modern gasser that can do every thing a modern diesel can do with the ease that our trucks do it with. And simply pointing out that our trucks stock make torque #'s that no stock gasser does.:rockwoot: :Cheer:
School Bus, it looks like you were right!

Am I the only one that thinks the OP and the guy arguing on the first page are the same person???

To me it sounds like you are about 5 years old and your brother is 3. LOL

Nope, just my little brother, trying to irritate me. Was visting at my mom's so I decided i would go along with it to let everyone else relax for a minute. But he really does think gassers are better. I hear about it everytime I see him. Sorry guys, I made sure to tell my mother not to let him on these sites anymore so you won't hear from him again. Glad somebody busted him out on that truck not being his. His truck doesn't even have a motor right now.