diesel's suck

You have a conceptional problem, lol. You clearly think engine torque is the deal.


(Should be good for days of arguing where I get to practice up on explaining power)[/QUOTE

I did not typ what i typed to start onther argument all i was saying is find a modern gasser that can do every thing a modern diesel can do with the ease that our trucks do it with. And simply pointing out that our trucks stock make torque #'s that no stock gasser does.:rockwoot: :Cheer:

And it doesn't strike you as odd to point out something meaningless as a strength? It's like an engine oil marketing the fact that the oil comes in a green bottle... The rest of us are like.... okay..... so WTF does that have to do with the oil or its ability to work well???

And why is torque meaningless?

It's not in general. But as a metric to gauge engine worth.... it most certainly is.

And since this is a thread about engines, it's pointless to bring it up. Now since we want to talk about engines, powerband would be an excellent point to bring up. And probably the single most relevant point that could be made on the topic of engines for competition use, where fixed ratio transmissions are the norm.

Because powerband is what people see and feel from the diesel when they falsely attribute it to torque output. Every single thing that a guy crazy over torque attributes to a torque number is actually the result of an engine with a broad powerband. The torque value is simply the most common means to that end, although not the only path for certain.
ok first of all diesel people dont know **** about specks so don even go there with me and really if you get down to it motor doesent even matter if u put the right gear ration behind it it will do anything you want ... and like hell your diesel will out rin an LS1 ... HAHAH WHAT A ****IN JOKE

well not to burst your bubble but unless you have a truck bed full of batteries your "motor" isn't going to take you far very fast just thought id let you know and look up the definition of a motor before you decide to miss name a ENGINE
well not to burst your bubble but unless you have a truck bed full of batteries your "motor" isn't going to take you far very fast just thought id let you know and look up the definition of a motor before you decide to miss name a ENGINE

Maybe you should take your own advice before you try to play dictionary police again...



Main Entry: 1mo·tor
Pronunciation: \ˈmō-tər\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from movēre to move
Date: 1586

1 : one that imparts motion; specifically : prime mover
2 : any of various power units that develop energy or impart motion: as a : a small compact engine b : internal combustion engine; especially : a gasoline engine c : a rotating machine that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy
3 : motor vehicle; especially : automobile

— mo·tor·dom \-dəm\ noun

— mo·tor·less \-ləs\ adjective

Arguing against the DA gasser guy is good. But giving him ammo isn't.
Oh god, engine vs motor:bang I think i get what your saying charles, and the more torque the broader the powerband???
Oh god, engine vs motor:bang I think i get what your saying charles, and the more torque the broader the powerband???

That's usually the case....since low rpm power requires increased torque. But since it's not always the case that a broader powerband requires more torque (you can just as easily hold the same, or similar torque out to a higher rpm and produce the same thing), you can see that chasing engine torque isn't a smart move.

Chasing engine powerband is. And even that is only the case when fixed ratio transmissions are involved. If you're using slider clutches or for instance, generators and wheels motors like fright trains or similar, then it's realistically a case where peak power is the most important as you'll won't be asking the engine to operate over a broad range. And in that case even powerband becomes irrelevant, and torque output is only useful for shaft sizing and such, and has no relevance to capability.
my bad i just had a collage professor crawl my sh**for calling a engine a motor my bad completely
a motor is classified as a rotating machine that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy

Congratulations. You have shown that you could read part 2, section C of the definition I supplied. I suppose we should then simply ignore the first portion, or the first two portions of the second portion as you have?


a engine is not

Well then, I guess it's a good thing we were defining motor, and not engine then huh? What you've done with this line is the equivalent of telling me that a truck is not a vehicle. It's a truck. Well yes. Not all vehicles are trucks, you're right. However, all trucks are vehicles..... just as all engines are motors, although not all motors are engines.... some do not involve combustion.

Main Entry: internal combustion engine
Function: noun
Date: 1884

: a heat engine in which the combustion that generates the heat takes place inside the engine

Thanks for clarifying what an engine is. Now go sit in the corner until you can accept the fact that the definition you listed here falls UNDER that which I listed earlier.

I'm terribly sorry for you, but you're just going to have to remove foot from mouth on this one.

On Edit:

I see you've deleted your original response and renewed your membership in functional society. Good on you. However, I think I'll leave this post up, so that you can print it and give to your professor..... unless you think he'll fail you.

Congratulations. You have shown that you could read part 2, section C of the definition I supplied. I suppose we should then simply ignore the first portion, or the first two portions of the second portion as you have?


Well then, I guess it's a good thing we were defining motor, and not engine then huh? What you've done with this line is the equivalent of telling me that a truck is not a vehicle. It's a truck. Well yes. Not all vehicles are trucks, you're right. However, all trucks are vehicles..... just as all engines are motors, although not all motors are engines.... some do not involve combustion.

Thanks for clarifying what an engine is. Now go sit in the corner until you can accept the fact that the definition you listed here falls UNDER that which I listed earlier.

I'm terribly sorry for you, but you're just going to have to remove foot from mouth on this one.

On Edit:

I see you've deleted your original response and renewed your membership in functional society. Good on you. However, I think I'll leave this post up, so that you can print it and give to your professor..... unless you think he'll fail you.


Charles you are a pompis ass. i can point out any damn thing i want. Do you have to come on here and try and prove your "dominance" because your real life sucks so bad. :kick: Okay im done with this post before i get myself in trouble.
BW motorsports im thinkin ur full of sh1t. every day the soon to have vehicle changes.... Not sayin charles isnt a pompous ass but he does seem inteligent..
BW motorsports im thinkin ur full of sh1t. every day the soon to have vehicle changes.... Not sayin charles isnt a pompous ass but he does seem inteligent..
im not saying charles is not smart, he seems very knowligible. and the reason it keeps changing is i keep goin out and test driving different trucks. and i have only changed it like once from the GMC to what it is now. I cant make my mind up on what i want lol i need somthin new to play with but there all so nice. :hehe:
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Ok. its just first it was gonna be a cummins, then a 500 hp 7.3 then u made a down payment on a lmm an now this..
i did make a down payment on a lmm then i went and drove a 2011 king ranch. went straight to the gmc dealer and got my 2 grand back and told them to cancel the order. the cummins and 7.3 i was thinkin go older and just sink like 60k into an engine for one of them but after driving a few cummins and 7.3's i desided to just go new. or semi new.
i did make a down payment on a lmm then i went and drove a 2011 king ranch. went straight to the gmc dealer and got my 2 grand back and told them to cancel the order. the cummins and 7.3 i was thinkin go older and just sink like 60k into an engine for one of them but after driving a few cummins and 7.3's i desided to just go new. or semi new.

female, blonde, married to a doctor or a lawyer... LOL
female, blonde, married to a doctor or a lawyer... LOL

i sold some stuff :poke: a work truck and a building that i had in amsterdam NY. The building went for 850K and the truck went for 20k so i have a lil extra cash in my wallet till i get a house here soon.