diesel's suck

i think your just making excuses for getting caught in your BS, but thats just me

haha.. im with you.. you dug your own hole.. find a way out and stop telling us to not belive you.. how many times have you lied in this thread? really? :bang
alright well tha tbehind us. BUSTEDKNUCKLES if you put that diesel in your ram it would be an awsome truck. good luck if you decide to do the power swap. :Cheer:
yeah yeah yeah......subject change, homofarm and durdurdan did the same thing when they got backed into a corner. sorry bud
My bad that actully was my big sister,she's my internet bodygaurd on here. my computer now has a password on it. My excuse for posting that was "you drive grandmas truck and these guys gotta think your cool". I completely forgot about that. No my truck is stock exsept for the exhaust and intake.

leave the highschool drama at school, Tyfytitm.
the pic you posted is a small block truck you moron not a big block.... headers peakin through the wheel well slick...
I hear what u guys are saying about the new trucks. I just want somthing new, i guess i dont really know y. Well see in a week or 2 what i deside to do. And BUSTEDKNUCKELS yes the exhaust and intake are all my LB7 has done. And no it wont get sold i will probly throw a aluminum body on it like the other work truck. That way me and my grandfather arnt stuck on the same job site.

To charles i guess your right im not very bright, because i dont spell good and use proper grammer. I did not once disagree with you, hell if you read my last five posts or so you will see i actully said i think that you are very noligable. Now just stop your crap im done talking to you. Leave the punk 16 year old kid alone and go touch your self or somthing.

You can spell the words however you want to. They're still wrong.
Please.... feel free to tell about your CR build.

Well like i said in my post that has nothing to do with this is that I am involved in a cummins cr build with some friends. It is not my truck nore did i say it was. I was asking a quistion.