Dumb things I see at Drag Races

Suprized no one said this.......

Staging up....Start spooling the turbo....Then the rear tires break loose and they do a burn out at the lights. Then come back for another round....And do the same thing!!!!

I really hate that one, I had a clown do that next to me this summer. he hadn't even lit the first stage light and had smoke rolling off the right rear tire. the trck crew finally got him to light the first bulb and then took a good 20 seconds to light the second. meanwhile I was left spooled waiting that whole time. I wanted to slap the $hit out of him for being a moron and the track crew for not just running the lights down when it was obvious he didn"t have a clue.:soap:
I'm a Rangers fan so you should know how I feel about the Ray's.
lol...hey ya'll went this year to the big show...not our fault ya choked.
Beat y'all! Now get this back on track or I will have Billy start changing avatars!
1. Racer DRUNK by 3rd round.
2. Racer has buddy come over with mud bog, was kind enough to cross over track leaving mud / dirt clumps across it.
3. Racer gets beat because they are on the brakes too hard at the end, yells because its a cpu glitch
4. OH, my personal favorite, Racer in the bed of his truck with 4 buddies, IN THE STAGING LANES, drinking, and using map gas torch to heat his NX bottles
1. Racer DRUNK by 3rd round.
2. Racer has buddy come over with mud bog, was kind enough to cross over track leaving mud / dirt clumps across it.
3. Racer gets beat because they are on the brakes too hard at the end, yells because its a cpu glitch
4. OH, my personal favorite, Racer in the bed of his truck with 4 buddies, IN THE STAGING LANES, drinking, and using map gas torch to heat his NX bottles
how's this for bottle heaters?
I can't stand people speeding in the pits. Most off the time its the flatbilled douche bags that have no respect for anyone, never mind the folks that have kids running around.

On that note, bringing your kids to the track and not watching them, assuming that some responsible parent will watch your brats.

People with street tires pulling through water box to burnout.
In Defence of the reverse burn out, some guys are just trying to lock their limited slip when they do it. Most people just turn the rear tires over a few times not a complete burn out.
Guys leaving chit in the back of the truck and taking the tailgate off. IF the trace people catch you first, you have everyone waiting for you to pull off and clean out the bed....if they don't, you just left all your chit on the starting line.

The 20 second azzhole using the last pull off lane.

The idiot who misses the last turn off lane.

The guy doing his burnout behind you before you even get the first bulb on.
My pet beeve of all time is the kids who park their civics and neons on the staging lanes behind the first set of bleachers.

Then the multi-burnout guys who just HAVE to do two or three burnouts and then a couple dry hops to get ready to stage.

Or a truck popping on the big end and track crew sending more down with fresh coolant on the track.
Staging with the rear tires is the one I see most often.
i did a burnout in reverse once... god damn ...im an idiot.

I did that at PRI. LOL Forgot to put it in drive after backing up a little bit, lol. Wasn't the first time I did that either, and probaby won't be the last. :hehe:
