ECM Programmers ?? and Secret Squirrel Chit

Now that we got da boom boom....back to the task of electronic whiz-bang junk.

I made a screen capture of all the screens currently programmed into the display.

Basically, on the main screen, anything you touch will take you to another screen. If you touch the oil pressure gauge, it takes you to the blown up version of it. The blown up versions of each gauge add a min and max depending on the parameter and allow me to reset each one separately or on some screens, reset ALL at once.

By touching-
IR Camera Image: Takes me to the video screen. By touching the video it will toggle camera one to camera two and back every time the screen is touched.
Exhaust Brake Image: Allows the display to automatically engage the e-brake if it is in "auto" mode and coolant temp meets the setpoint minimum. I'll probably add oil pressure into the mix as well. We don't want anything spinnin' without warm oil.
USB Stick Image: Takes me to the data logging. Start, stop, download, clear, standard junk. It also shows the size of the file. The "uploaded" button in the corner takes me to the "load new config" screen from the USB drive.
Smarty Image: Pulls up the smarty screen. Not fully functional yet but should allow me to change the "setpoint" of the POD, then hit "update". Once it loads, it should read back the setpoint from the ECM and display it as the "actual" giving me confirmation that the POD has changed. Still some CAN bus sniffing and tinkerin' in that one since no one at Smarty will respond with the code. Figures.
Data Port Plug Image: This goes to a screen that just reads the OBDII bus on the screen. It is a diag tool that will go away. Trying to crack the code so I can add current gear and tc lockup to the display. I also need it to get the coolant temp and intake temp sensor info to read. Those are the two dead gauges right now. Dayum Crystler and their decision to ditch J1939. Dayum them all. I'd so be done right now. LOL

The Mumau, Outlaw, and Hamilton screens flash for two seconds each while the display boots up....just some folks that have gone out of their way to help me. The two pics of the kids I like to throw up when I'm away from home.

[ame=""]4x4Duallys Touch Screen Display Images - YouTube[/ame]

Open for suggestions. What else would be cool?

All the data is simulated in the video. Those aren't real numbers so don't even begin to match them up. LOL It is amazing to me that using the e-brake while normally driving and not being in tow-haul.....I can see 50psi+ on drive pressure. Floored boost pegs at 30psi and drive pegs at 50psi.
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I honestly have no idea how you find the energy to do all you do.
Mt Dew, man. I'm all hopped up on Mt Dew. If you send me your inventory software, stock sheets, and buy me one of those USB debit card scanners, I'll just sell parts for you right from my drivers seat. :hehe:
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So I made the gauge backgrounds "transparent" in the night view. Kinda cool to see the fake carbon fiber showin' through. :D


It'd sure be nice for someone to chime in and help me get the OBDII cracked! :poke:

I get data for a second or two upon bootup, but then the ECM diag times out. I don't know if I have a timing issue or a bus termination issue or a I'm dumb and don't know anything issue.

Anyone with tips/tricks/knowledge of how to properly communicate with the ECM please holler. Once I request diag, do I have a time frame to request blocks until it times out? Do I need to reset the diag every so often? ??????


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I'm working on a data logger to work with a minimaxx like a compact bus sniffer, if I get it working, I'll send you the logs. Might help to see how they handle the polling.

Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2
Jory, do you have a Android phone or tablet handy?

Get one of the OBD2 readers and see how that code is written.
I'm working on a data logger to work with a minimaxx like a compact bus sniffer, if I get it working, I'll send you the logs. Might help to see how they handle the polling.

Cool. The ONLY thing I need the minimutt for is to update programs and do the power level on start up since it will default to level 0 without the programmer plugged in. I can do the power level with the murphy now. That is the easiest part. I'm basically running the murphy like a sniffer. The mutt is still doing what it does and I'm just trying to pick data off the bus as it goes by. When I enable the can bus on the display the data goes to schidt and sometime the mutt locks up. I'm trying to figure out if it is a termination problem or what.

You see, I have the sniff from the mutt (XRT Pro running the MiniMaxx software and display) and I know exactly what the data is, where it is, and how to get it......but when I send the exact same requests to the ECM as what I have bueno. That is why it has to be a bus problem.

How are you going to write your code? In a script to parse out the data from the blocks? Would you like to compare parameters and block data so we can see if they match...or at least mines is correct? LOL I'm assuming you have access to the data from Dodge or are you just wingin' it from sniffs? I'll PM ya my email. Lets compare our junk. :hehe: Insert bad joke here.

Jory, do you have a Android phone or tablet handy?

Get one of the OBD2 readers and see how that code is written.

Nope. :(

He has an iPhone.

I like how we can answer each other's questions in the absence of each other. LOL Thanks. :D
Read my first parameter, coolant temp, the easiest one, last night at midnight. Now that I know how to do it, the others are coming soon. The only issue I have is when I send the power level, the stream tanks. Don't know what mode the ECM needs to be in for it to Rx the power level. Any ideas? LOL
This thread was started on 1/18/2012 if that says something. And he had been working on it before then. The mustache is smarter than it appears :poke:
Hmm, maybe I DON'T want to strip down and frankenstein a CAN BUS 5.9 ECM and harness into an older conversion. :bang:

Some days I'm just lucky to punch the button on this laptop and have it turn on. :bow:

how hard was this to do wanting to get something like this for mine?

Well, Rookie, if you have your truck info in your signature where I could see what you had, maybe not that hard. The thing is, I don't know which all years have the same diag communication. I'm working with an '09. Not sure if all 03-09 will be the same, but I doubt it.

Once I get the set up figured is a simple as emailing the config and loading it....the hard part is....there is over $2500 worth of hardware in this truck. :D

Anywho.....if you want to buy some hardware and the configuration software...I'll be more than happy to help you figure it out...but you'd better be patient and understand a bit of software. I'm not a software guy...thus it is taking me over a year.

The current config tool is in Beta form and they have added a few features that enable me to do some things that I couldn't before last week. This is why it works now. It isn't like I spend a lot of time messing with it since I got two kids, a job, a farm, etc....but I'd hate to see the hours I've donated to it in the last year or two. The 2002 was gravy.......when Dodge wrote the J1939 out of the ECM Diag port in 2003 they dicked us. Jerks.
Welcome to the main event ICP and Engine Load %. :clap:

I think I've figured out that the Mini-Mutt likes the Murphy to be funny booted before booting itself. If they both boot at the same time, the H&S loses comm with the ECM.

I've also figure out that if you send the wrong data to the ECM for "power level" it basically says "chuck you, Farley" and shuts down like a dead rock. :hehe:
Just an update for those who give a rats ass. :D

From the OBDII port I can now display:

Rail Pressure
Coolant Temp
Current Gear
TC Locked/Unlocked
MAF (not that it is useful)
Current Power Level from the H&S
Engine Load %
Day/Night screen triggers off headlamp status

Things to work on tonight:
Tranny Temp

Other things that would be nice as far as logging goes would be these. The problem is, they are buried one level deeper in the code (after the God forsaken 0x30) and my ideas for retrieval aren't panning out.

ECM Boost (have ext sensors but could remove them if it is accurate)
ECM Drive (have ext sensors but could remove them if it is accurate)
Intake Air Temp (would really like this one)

The wife is bad off sick so I'll be land locked tonight in the house with a laptop. Looks like hamburger helper again and daddy bath time! Getting ready to pick up something she got called in. It has Codine in it. Momma won't be savvy too long. Now where is that emoticon for "passed smooth out?"
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Damn brother, you is smart.

And if it's cough syrup with codeine.... Good night Doc. Hope she feels better. Terri had a cold for like, two weeks. Coughed all night. She was keeping me up for the wrong reasons.
Well, the doc is getting better slowly so that is good. And in other news....dang near got it all working!

Parameters I can display from "sniffing" the communication between the H&S and the OBDII port:

Intake Air Temp
Load %
Current Gear
TC Lockup
Coolant Temp
Headlamp Status (Dims the display automatically when lights are turned on)
H&S Power Level
Trans Temp
Rail Pressure (ICP)
OEM Boost Sensor
OEM Drive Sensor
ECM Voltage

The OEM drive pressure gauge is being squirrely. I accidentally programmed it with the conversion for fuel economy. LOL No bueno. Once I find the conversion, it will be good.

So I know where the turbo shaft speed data is and the conversion factor, but the H&S doesn't request that block of data from the ECM. Rats. I can't request it from the murphy or it will it will interrupt the H&S. I'm a passive listener so to speak. I'll have to work on this part.

Some might think it asinine to go to the trouble to reproduce all the parameters I can view on the H&S. Well, on it, you can only view 4 at a time and the display is small, at least mine is. ;). With this, I can view every single one of them on one screen, keep track of mins and maxes, and log a few or every single one of the with one touch.

Now I just need to work on aesthetics of all the crap. All the little text displays are just for trouble shooting so I can make sure it all works. I have a few cool ideas. :evil


That little bar across the top with text in it is Rail Pressure in case you can't read it. The boost and drive outside the dial are from the ECM and the ones in the dial are from the ext sensors I put on. The voltage in the battery is what the display gets from the power wire and the ECM voltage below it is ECM voltage. These are all "simulated" numbers on the laptop so don't try to tell me I can't go 66 mph in D2.....because I can. :hehe: "Lock" below that is the TC.

Now, to figure out what why that "freebie" thermocouple from that Sooner fan only reads about 125F max. :hehe: I must have it shorted somewhere.


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