EFI Live not allowing EGR and DPF deletes in the US.

Hey let's spend billions of dollars trying to make diesel exhaust into pure oxygen, while China is building more and more factories that have crap for regulations. It's all the same atmosphere. No matter how strict WE are, it's not going to make up for the rest of the world!
Its all water vapor now, hundreds of millions in pollution equipment guarantee that
If you tune with streams on the DMax side of things, then you can tune way over that limit with a V2.

If tuning Cummins only, then yes the 220 limit is it as there are no streams available.
what about auto cals? if we don't update our software and auto cals require new firmware and stuff, we will be a no go?
i am shur my canadian bros would help any one across the border with their trucks.
no bud for me just a little johnny walker and some dancing girls.:pop:
so do the new tuners have the restriction or is is programmed when they ship the tuner?
i am in canada and looking into the v2.
so do the new tuners have the restriction or is is programmed when they ship the tuner?
i am in canada and looking into the v2.

If you are in Canada then it won't matter which V2 gets shipped to you or when it was manufactured or despatched.

So, what about the millions of trucks that don't have the emissions bs on them? Personally, it ain't gonna make a darn bit if difference. Like diesel_importer said, when all the other countries in the world aren't doing anything, our basically 1/10 of a percent of the worlds pollution contribution and trying to make everything more environmentally friendly isn't going to help or make a difference. Stupid EPA..
So, what about the millions of trucks that don't have the emissions bs on them? Personally, it ain't gonna make a darn bit if difference. Like diesel_importer said, when all the other countries in the world aren't doing anything, our basically 1/10 of a percent of the worlds pollution contribution and trying to make everything more environmentally friendly isn't going to help or make a difference. Stupid EPA..

So, what about the millions of trucks that don't have the emissions bs on them? Personally, it ain't gonna make a darn bit if difference. Like diesel_importer said, when all the other countries in the world aren't doing anything, our basically 1/10 of a percent of the worlds pollution contribution and trying to make everything more environmentally friendly isn't going to help or make a difference. Stupid EPA..

Europe has standards too. I'm sure China will follow soon enough. I don't like it but the aftertreatment world means job security for me.