FCDP Ranger Build

things are moving along. trying to get the trans brake dialed in with the turbo that wont spool. working on that too. getting closer. trying some different things this week. better launches will help the time go down. hopefully things will work out like we think. as long as we can improve every week im happy. so far so good.
Very cool and nicely done buddy. What elevation was the track at? Can't wait to see how fast you guys get to go this year.:ft:
your sure making leaps and bounds with that thing Adam! Keep it up, cant wait to see what you can do with it in another month
FCDP Ranger just went 10.27 @ 137 with a 1.46 60' will post video and slips tomm.
I thought I posted, but I guess talked with Josh instead.

Congrats FCDP guys! Great baby steps and you're tracking down the other tube chassis's in no time!
I thought I posted, but I guess talked with Josh instead.

Congrats FCDP guys! Great baby steps and you're tracking down the other tube chassis's in no time!

Thanks Brandon, the truck will be down for the next couple weeks for some changes..hopefully with the changes being done, we will run on fuel, what we are running on spray now.
Anybody wonder what a 1.4 sixty looks like?