fueling ?

garofalo boy u never called me so u could put it in for me
I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, but didn't you just say you didn't have the money anyway? This is Ron btw and you said you were going to call Michael when you got the money.. I'm not the businessman, I just turn wrenches, that's all i know... Like i said, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding..
im not mad i called Mike when i had the money and he said they where paving his driveway and he would call me when they had it done so i could bring my truck over and he never called me back
im not mad i called Mike when i had the money and he said they where paving his driveway and he would call me when they had it done so i could bring my truck over and he never called me back

interesting... that's him and his bad memory.. his dad still won't let anyone drive on it, LOL.. he's in indy now anyway
do u think that i have to worry about the valve springs or will it be fine
i think you should wait and do everything at once. Don't rush something that has potential, because before you know it you'll end up with junk. get a descent double disc in it and tune it.. I need a #1 truck in the street class next year, and i want it to be a 12 valve.. a head gasket and studs wouldn't be bad insurance either..
i will have to get a hold of u and talk to u to make sure i dont go to far with this truck
you're not going to go too far with it, trust me... r u going to dyno it in Oct?
that is a good price i will have to get some guys around to go
that sounds kewl did mike send that cam out yet and get it checked
370s are fine for cheap power.

I have seen 792hp at one of my shows with stock 370's.

5x18's + 60mm charger = bad idea

Come On Now....Picaso and a bad memory....LOL
792hp on 370 marine injectors? i didn't think a 370 could flow that much fuel. i hear guys say that a set of 90hp sticks are more power than a set of 370s. so how do you get that much hp out of them if a 90hp stick flows more?