Get together in Ridgetop, TN???

I am going shopping Friday morning .. can I get a show of hands on who is coming and any requests?
:rockwoot: See ya there

If we dont have enough to tinker with Ill bring the mini 12v (merc) and we can bomb it out. LOL
oh I have plenty to tinker on .... Need to pull set of twins off the 94, rotor and caliper on the 03, new clutch needing to go into the 03, pull all the wires out of the 94 .... I could go on and on..... LOL
Thats cool if you can't Phil, I understand ....

If anyone is in need or wanting a diamond plate over the rail toolbox, bring cash, make me an offer ... it's not perfect but not a total POS either. It wont take much to bribe me out of it.
Anyone coming with a stock 7.3? Want to try a chip? I have one.....Cheap!
gotta go look at a job first but I should be there right after lunch. what kinna beer we need ?
I am bringing Bud Light. I will get a case and go from there.

I have two cases of Miller light ..... and 10 gallon of rum punch .... I made the punch about 10 and been sampling since .... might I say .... its GOOD....

See everyone in a bit...........
I hope everyone had a great time .... to those that didn't make it or left early.... you will need to ask the others about 22 min.....................