Get together in Ridgetop, TN???

Had a great time!! Sorry I had to leave for the bootycall. LOL

So it took 22 minutes? I guess I was off by 11 minutes and 30 seconds.
I have two cases of Miller light ..... and 10 gallon of rum punch .... I made the punch about 10 and been sampling since .... might I say .... its GOOD....

See everyone in a bit...........

I thought about trying the punch........I was a bit aprehensive since it was in a tiki torch bottle and looked like tiki torch oil. Guess I should have lived a little :doh: Awesome time though; Been on the computer for hours since I can't hear my wife fussin' at me about it yet :hehe:
Had a great time!! Sorry I had to leave for the bootycall. LOL

So it took 22 minutes? I guess I was off by 11 minutes and 30 seconds.

I would ask if you beat our time but somehow I don't wanna know LOL
I cant believe that thing lasted for 22 mins. I bet after the first ten everyone just went inside huh. LOL Did the FD come to watch?

Had a blast. So did the fam. We appreciate the hospitality and cant wait to do it again soon. Thank you to the.... uh....... well......... Shifters? LOL
I thought about trying the punch........I was a bit aprehensive since it was in a tiki torch bottle and looked like tiki torch oil. Guess I should have lived a little :doh: Awesome time though; Been on the computer for hours since I can't hear my wife fussin' at me about it yet :hehe:

I'm sorry ... that was tiki oil .... the punch was in the 20 gallon Gott cooler ... still have 3-4 gallon to go ... gonna work on it some more today ... I hate pouring it out .....
Everyone is MORE than welcome........ Any time y'all want to do it again, just pick the weekend ... If I am in town, its on like Donkey Kong!
I'm sorry ... that was tiki oil .... the punch was in the 20 gallon Gott cooler ... still have 3-4 gallon to go ... gonna work on it some more today ... I hate pouring it out .....

Guess I should have asked huh ? :bang Thing is people around my neck of the woods would put it in that bottle; I'll come by and salvage the rest before I let you pour it out
yah i had a good time for the short time i was there it was good seein everybody though
Thanks for the food, fun and drinks. Had a great time. Looks like is missed something by leaving early. Nice to put faces with avatars.

Felt like the outsider with all the D-max's and Powerstrokes though.

Thanks for the food, fun and drinks. Had a great time. Looks like is missed something by leaving early. Nice to put faces with avatars.

Felt like the outsider with all the D-max's and Powerstrokes though.

Nah ... never an outsider .... we all put #2 in our tanks and thats all that matters!

So is our little experiment on youtube yet ??
No, I need to get that done, I will try to get it up soon.
Nah ... never an outsider .... we all put #2 in our tanks and thats all that matters!
The hell we do. LOL

No, I need to get that done, I will try to get it up soon.

What experiment did I miss. Did someone mix Chlorine and Brake Fluid.

Damn I miss all the good stuff.
naw, we didn't get to the good experiments. think 16k black kats strung together...........................