Gozillion HP Vp44


Administrator and Head Thread Derailer
Apr 3, 2006
Since all the other boards seem to be falling allover themselves to talk about how a 20 year old kid has reinvented the VP44 to allow for 900HP woth of fueling, I figure we should have a thread too. I know it is possible to re-work a VP44 to move that kind of fuel, but reliability has always been a problem. Apparently, this fella has solved all the issues, and been able to acomplish stuff that folks like Jetpilot(guy who has no clue about 24v'sLOL) could not...

Anty thoughts?
timmay you read my mind, i was just fixing to post a thread about this one... supposedly haisley a couple of other "big names" are in with this kid. now this is just speculation. i guess there is one or two people getting ready to test this thing, he says the internals are completly redesigned. i guess we will see??
Keep us posted. I'd settle for a 500 hp pump for $1000 but I guess a 900 hp pump for $2000 isn't bad LOL

What are these things gonna cost us?
yeah I've seen it on another board too :hehe:
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Warning: Timmy is not playing nice over there. LOL
Sure looks like a bunch of typin' for no answers huh Tim? LOL Nice goin'.
Just wait.. I have yet to get real stupid LOL
tim's honest with em. some folks believe anything that glitters is gold. :eek:wned:
You need to get yr post count to 8000 before anybody beleives you TIMBO LOL
The text that you have entered is too long (27442 characters). Please shorten it to 25000 characters long.

i tried to post the first page

Ok, so we all know the the Hot Rod VP44s. We all know people have gotten good and bad reactions from them. It was what I had been running for a while however I burnt 2 circuit boards in them so I was still not in total glory with the pump but it worked well. Now we have all heard of people trying to go bigger and better, most after the Hot Rod pumps go to a a P-pump because they jsut plain out perform the VP44 due to amount of fuel. We have also heard here and there for years people have been trying to get a bigger pump. There have been a few people that have done it with limited sucess due to the limitations of the pump. Now I'm asking this to the serious people, how many of you would want a nasty VP44 built around reliablity. If you could get a pump that smoked a Hot Rod pump for about the same price as the Hot Rods. Or have a pump that could very well keep up with the nastiest P7100 pumps out there. Would it be worth it or would you still want to run the converstion. Theres always going to be a certain amount of longevity problem with the VP44 due to its design however, if someone could give you the power with the same reliablity or a little bit better than the pump already on the market, would it be worth it? As I said, this is to the serious guys such as Vontrapp or MAXTORQ or any other guys that work heavily with these trucks or can hold their own with any problem under the hood of the truck. Theres reasons behind why I'm asking and Cetanefreek already knows why. What I'm trying to see is if the price is about the same, would the industry want the pumps, or would the guys still not care. Let me here want you think. As I have discussed with Cetanefreek, we are looking for the first ever 1000hp truck on fuel alone. Now I can't say you will have a pump that hot, but 700-800 hp is well within the realm of fuel alone. Right now the Hot Rods are running at aroudn 650hp on fuel alone and I know for a fact these pump out perform the Hot Rods by alot. So let me knwo what ya'll think.


Well needless to say that didn't take more than 15 mins lol. Right now, from what we have seen from testing these pump, they work well. My buddies have decided to go full force with them. Jetpilot, ironically enough the trucks are in yoru area. I'm only abot 2 1/2 hrs north of your shop. Testing has been going well and it isn't a mass production we are looking at, only for the serious mechanic. Now the trucks the guys have these pumps on have had no problems, with either the pump itself or the electronics. They told me to start pushing them had to see the reaction. Money and reliability were the main thing we were looking at, with the latter of the two taking front stage. We have flown under the radar for quite sometime with these trucks until we dynoed one at Antrim Diesel and blew the owners away and now have their full backing for the product along with Haisley Machine, which having those to names backing the product, gave them the reason to start pushing the pump hard. Now as you know Jetpilot, the dyno at Antrim is different form the one at Fawl Brawl or Spring Fling, and they put out almost 700hp on a pump that was well put together but not the largest of them. Plus, needless to say it smoked my Custom Hot Rod pump Dan Scheid and I built was enough to seal the deal. Now I don't know what you guys get your Hot Rod pumps for but I get mine for about $1700 from just right off the shelf pump and more depending on the minor changes I do. Now the lowest pump, which put the numbers up is about $1900 plus shipping. Going from there it gets expensive, however, everyone knows you got to pay to play. For the stage 2, which hasn't been dynoed yet, your looking around $2500 but I would have to go back to my books to make sure. If I approved a setup on the truck, we can go to a stage 3, however, we only have a few so far, which have worked extremely well, but we are unsure due to the extreme of the pump, if we want to market them to the general public. Cetanefreek has shown interest, and I'm sorry if I'm exposing something you don't want me to Russ but, we have duscussed it over the phone and he does seem interested. With the stage 1 and 2 pumps there is no warrenty. We don't work like that. Each situation is different. Someone will want a new pump, others a refund, others a different pump if something goes wrong down teh road. I work on a case by case basis to where I will make the situation right regardless of the outcome. I don't care if its something 40-80k miles down the road, if I get the pump back and something designed failed, I will work my best to make the situation right. This is why I do not put a milage warrenty on it. My buddies creating the parts for it do, but I do not like to. The hot rod pumps as we all know have a 1 year warrenty if you do no tap the wires or board. Now granted I discuss with each person before I put these pumps on. I'm not going to say your completely covered if you have 6 different boxes stack, we all know something is bound to go wrong but if your running like a Edge Comp and smarty or something else I have discussed with you and approved and something goes wrong I will take the pump back rebuild, replace or redo whatever is needed to make the situation right. I'm in a bid because I was going to go to a 13mm p-pump, however seeing as to how well these pumps have performed, I', really second guessing myself. We all know teh performance gains to a 13mm pump so to be second guessing it and staying with a vp44 realy caught a couple of my buddies off guard. My buddies have researched the past machining problems and from what we have seen, have corrected most of them, if not all. Now MAX, I understand your issue with the side of the road. I travel a couple time a month right nwo back and forth to MO with my trucks and most of the time they are loaded or overloaded for that matter. Granted traveling around town is one thing but when your 800miles from your shop, you can get mad rather quickly, especially with 2 other trucks on the trailer behind you... The initial build was to actually build a more reliable pump due to the fact Chip as Blueship was gettin rather expensive for a stock pump and only electronic upgrades. However, upon digging deeper and seeing thing could be done properly without effecting the longevity, this pushed further. Now I'm not saying this is the god of pumps. We can assure people that these pumpes get the same pumps as a stock pump in a higher hp aspect, if not better. It was an around-about way to get to the pump we are at now, but it was first determined to come out with a more reliable pump before performance, it just sorta fell into place the further along it went.
Cool, :thankyou2: :Cheer: . It will be interesting to see how they work out:pop: .
Christ almighty... another dill weed that would flunk a 5th grade grammar class, decides to start a "business". When I see you're having a hard time with "milage warrenty", I'm heading in the opposite direction. Jesus H C they're everywhere!

Chip as Blueship LMAO
IF they could make this work, there would be a huge market for it, but I just don't see how it can happen. I'm not buying the young eyes, new eyes, blah blah blah stuff that there saying, there were years and years and constant "new eyes" trying to make the VP's flow lots of fuel and still be dependable and they couldn't make it happen. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see it though so I guess we'll see what happens.
So can we send them out current pumps and have them "tweak" it for cheaper or is that out of the question? Also I'm sure there has to be a core charge or something.