havein problems with dd clutch


Sep 23, 2011
i have been thru 8 3850 SB DD street clutchs within 20,000 miles.the first couple i have raced with and the last few i ave done nothin but daily drive with. also i have only done a couple dynos with the last few. i have just installed a brand new SB comp DD and im starting to have problems with again have only 400 mles on this one. i drive to school and back ( 1 mile from house) and home every other weekend (60 miles). i dont know what to im doin wrong goin crazy over this cant figure out whats happening. im tryin to get into auto bc of all this crap also havein no luck. also i know how to drive a standard its not driver error. need some help plz. *bdh*:bang*bdh*:bang*bdh*
well we cant help unless we know whats going wrong with them.......

i would have to bank on driver error, or something wrong with the truck, sbc isnt going to send out 8 bad clutches in a row
Did you install the modified fork that is suppose to be used with the DD clutches? What are they doing you cause the problems? Are they slipping, breaking, ect.
So are these vids your truck?

yes the vids are my truck.

and yes some broke the others just stoped working left me stranded. and SB has sent me new fork. and for the record im not hating on SB they have takin care of me very well their awsome. my truck is 900+ but only drive 500-600 ive got 37/13.50/20 tires.
they start to engage high on pedal (instead of lower middle) and then go out couple days later.
they start to engage high on pedal (instead of lower middle) and then go out couple days later.

Did you remove the washer from behind the pivot ball, also when you are installing the clutches are you making sure there is play between the through out bearing and the fingers? Sounds like you are getting them really hot and they are letting go.

I cant see this is a cltch problem but a truck/driver issue. From my experience 500 hp and high school/college kids, parts dont seem to last or there is always stuff left out as to why these parts have failed. Not bashing just stating the normal way these things go.
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Wow, you post those videos on YouTube and wonder why your clutch fails...

I'm with Disturbed, operator/installer error or truck issue
jusdging by the vids you seam to be the type who thinks stuff is indestructable

how the heck do you get tires to smoke that much in grass?
those vids are 5 clutches ago i dont drive my truck like that anymore i baby it. havent raced, dynoed or pulled anything in a long time. it cant be driver error. if their was something worng with the tranny could it be cause all this?
lol it aint hard as u can see. that was the first time i had ever pulled a truck(only done it twice). and that race was one of only 5 races i had ever done in this truck. i mostly just dyno the truck testing new stuff i put on it.
is the input shaft in the tranny loose? harmonic vibrations have ahuge effect on stuff