Hey I just want to let everyone know I've decided to try to justify doing what I want

Well... I for one would like to know what he finds, so yinz should be a little nicer. ;)
I'll elaborate on my technique but I'll wait till I read magic diesels way! I'm always willing to learn a better way!
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I'll elaborate on my technique but I'll wait till I read magic diesels way! I'm always willing to learn a better way!

We don't cut the cross beam either, and it's not magic we use. I wish I was magical though.

I've never actually used "the procedure", but if you're taking body mounts loose anyways, doesn't it say to spread the fenders to slide the support out?
I've pulled my motor 3 times now, and have never cut the beam. Probably would make it a little easier, but not necessary.

And you clear the cross beam before the back of the engine digs into the cowl? I call bull crap!! That's why I lift the cab! in and out no damage completely built with exhaust and turbo boom done!
I cut the front cross member between the two mounting bolts on each side Sawzall and it pulls right out. Then when I put it back in and bolt the support to it you can't even see it! It's inside!
Mind as well change the thread title to "Hey I just want to let everyone know I've decided to try to justify doing what I want."

Now that is some funny schidt. :hehe:

FWIW....I've not listened to Snedge before...and in the end ended up listening to Snedge. $.02

And who-da-fark cuts the crossbeam.......say no to drugs.
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I cut the crossbeam when I pulled my motor, and when I put the new one back in I welded it back together. If I had ever planned on selling the truck, or it was someone else's truck I would have taken out the body bolts and spread it properly.
Mine was already cut when I got the truck so that's how it comes out for me

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I've never actually used "the procedure", but if you're taking body mounts loose anyways, doesn't it say to spread the fenders to slide the support out?

This is what I did every time. Use a portapower to spread the front end and the crossbar slides right out. Same thing going back in. Never had to cut it.