Holy triple turbos

I love how anyone that calls his work crap he says they are faggots or wannabe's. Wonder if I should send him a link for this thread.
Anybody wanna guess what generation of inbred he is? Or maybe he fell out of that haggard treehouse one to many times as a child lol. Either way this guy is way to awesome, had a real good laugh haha.
this one has 4 turbos. one in stock location then the other 3!!here are a couple from topeka. not sure how there are all related!!


hes gonna knock our teeth out if we confront him about his "set-up" in person..


You guys better be careful that guy might be an Internet black belt and bust out some wicked crouching keyboard hidden mouse style on your asses. bif
hood stacks are so last week, hood turbos are what the cool kids are doing now LOL
Dang, I go off to work and I miss all the fun!!!!

Not very entertaining looking at "Comment Removed" through the whole thing.........

Too bad, i was kinda looking forward to seeing him bash me a bit.....dont get enough of that at work anyway!