Holy triple turbos

I found this dick bag on facebook

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John Wygant im pretty popular i found out that im being discussed on a pretty regular basis in the motorsport community; unfortunately no one knows who i am! they just ecognize my truck, and refer to me as that ginger guy with the neck-beard...ha
ive generated considerable amounts of jealous hatred, so i guess im fine with things......

John Wygant im pretty popular i found out that im being discussed on a pretty regular basis in the motorsport community; unfortunately no one knows who i am! they just ecognize my truck, and refer to me as that ginger guy with the neck-beard...ha
ive generated considerable amounts of jealous hatred, so i guess im fine with things......


well i think that sums that up. It was fun while it lasted.
"Jealous Hatred"

That's the saddest part about this poor douche, he honestly thinks people are jealous of his heap of shiit.
John Wygant I dont really need a dynomometer to measure my trucks power; I have a 550hp spec clutch, and I smelled it all the way home after boosting her up...i think when you crunch those number you get a roughly of an assload of power, 2 ****tons of torque, and indefinate amounts of face-melting fun.

John Wygant
not in sequence YET.
just consider the two front mounted units as one atmospheric stage.
i was referring to the fact that i hadnt installed the atmospheric tube yet.
interesting fact to flaunt my welding credentials; i STICK welded every bit o...f this at no less than 60 amps on an industial generator/welder...including the cast downpipes flange trasition to stainless tubes, and the ALUMINUM atmospheric pressure tube...

^^^ I still say he used auto parts store crinkle bends or at the very least the pizza method.

The best I can tell from his other posts this guy would be an interesting case study on physiological disorders. I did not one status update the stated he deletes anyone with a negative post toward him (on fb). My assumption is he is unable to process a reply that climbs any higher than 7th grade level.

I'm gonna try to make me a new friend....
... why bother to churn the bottom of the gene pool?

That crap will decompose naturally.
I'm just hoping there are some quality still photos of that truck.

Or I could invite him here to contribute. Dunno yet.
He kinda has a Greg Houge thing goin on. Everyone is jealous of him, he cant spell to save his life, and he resorts to homo insults when backed in to a corner. Wonder if he could be an related.
In the cold start video he looks like Eddie from Christmas Vacation.

That setup is triple stupid.
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^^^ I still say he used auto parts store crinkle bends or at the very least the pizza method.

The best I can tell from his other posts this guy would be an interesting case study on physiological disorders. I did not one status update the stated he deletes anyone with a negative post toward him (on fb). My assumption is he is unable to process a reply that climbs any higher than 7th grade level.

I'm gonna try to make me a new friend....

In his bio its says he is from Fayetteville, Tn. Roachie you have had to run into this guy some were.:lolly: He has listed for schools as the cannabis college, maybe thats the problem
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I'm ashamed to say he is from my state. Should I give him a link to this thread?
In his bio its says he is from Fayetteville, Tn. Roachie you have had to run into this guy some were.:lolly: He has listed for schools as the cannabis college, maybe thats the problem

Pot didn't make this guy a tard, the years of inbreeding did:hehe:
this kid makes me think of Burt Reynolds, John Voight, canoes and a banjo... not really sure why though...:doh:
"I'm a hopeless bigot. I hate fat people and whites. diloot'n the dang gene pool with yer lily white, wide-ass genes...oughta put em' all on an island...along with all the worlds wayward kitties... philanthropy + genocide = the final solution! the mighty cleansin' of worlds poeple!"

One of his facebook status's lmao :hehe: