How to make an Airdog motor last?


Ceritified Kleenex Dealer
Aug 3, 2006
Does anyone know the trick to making an AD motor last? My latest replacement which I paid $230 for got me 74 days and 2000 miles of service before its blowing fuses.

What good is a lifetime warranty if the motors keep leaving you stranded at the worst time and you have to wait 3-5 days to get a replacement.

This is on a nearly stock 07 5.9 CR. The pump isn't being strained putting out 45psi, its low pressure for the cp3.

Is it worth dealing with warranty motors every 2 months or should I just build my own system so I can have a reliable stock HP truck.
Ive had plenty of problems out of mine also on my vp truck. On its 3rd motor now
A lower pressure would extend the life of the motor.

That said. I wouldn't put an electric lift pump on anything. Ever.
How in the hell do these companies stay in business? A google search of "Airdog blowing fuses" is just a PR nightmare in my opinion and yet they still have these things being sold left and right.
Why does everyone keep buying Airdog? Ive ran Fass on both my old work trucks and still going strong with over 200k miles on both pumps, Fass on my old 05 with over 70k miles and still running fine for the new owner. Ive installed both for friends and the only ones that have had issues are the Airdogs. I don't understand with all the documented failures on the forums why people keep buying them. If it was a brand of turbos or injectors they wouldn't be in business anymore.

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Ok that makes more sense reading it again. Nothing to add other than they are all garbage. If it makes you feel better I know a fellow that the pump lasted 4 days before it **** the bed. So in comparison your's lasted a lifetime! LOL
I had the AD Raptor 150 on my 03'. It had roughly 40-45k miles on it when I sold the truck. I've heard many stories similiar to yours though as of recent.

I always carried enough tools and parts to put my stock liftpump back inplace incase it ever left me stranded. The cost of these pumps doesn't justify the need to do that though. I've been debating what direction to go with for my 6.7.
I've had FASS motors do the same thing, I started putting them on circuit breakers so it would reset.

Then I got tired of that crap too, and quit messing with my trucks.
I have 2006 airdog 150 all USA .. Never had issue .. Now they use china junk .. Mass produced = junk
I've gone through several AD & Fass motors over the last couple years. Neither has something that will last forever. It's a gamble with either brand....someone will get the one that lasts a million miles and the next guy might buy the one that makes it to the end of his driveway.
same way you keep kids clothes clean, keep em off the kid, keep it off the truck.
I put a pump bypass in because they suck so bad the CP3 will pull thru no problem.
45psi to a CP3 will kill your CP3 in days 15psi max! Fuelab is the best going out there right now check them out! But to answer your question to make it last just leave it on the shelf last a long time!
We always had good luck with the airdog when they were the past 5 years we have not had very good luck at all. I use Fass now with a lot less warranty issues. It seems that every time you call Airdog they just happen to not have your warranty card on file.
How do so many people not understand that his pump is at 10-15psi and that he is stating it is not at 45+ psi thus being a lower load on the motor.
Anyone besides me open it up to see what is failing??