I Am new here and i'm a huge douchebag

man WTH this all started from a effin joke that I made about how you all were freakin fallin all over your selfs for a freakin girl... all this is freakin ridiculous.... IT WAS A FREAKING JOKE..... ..!.,
This guy needs a CompD lesson... Its like the birds and the bees speech.. Except here its about tacos and boats... They are very very very important.
man WTH this all started from a effin joke that I made about how you all were freakin fallin all over your selfs for a freakin girl... all this is freakin ridiculous.... IT WAS A FREAKING JOKE..... ..!.,

Little late to start backpeddling doucherocket.

Man **** yall Punk ass *****es..... yall so mouthy, big , and tough behind a 1992 dell in your mommas basement on dial up...... why dont yall shut the **** up before i come to your house beat the **** outta you . and while your on the ground fading in and outta conciousnos you can watch me tongue punch your hot moms fart box

Let me know if you ever have the ballz to come through eastern Nebraska...I'll give you my address!!!!

Oh and my mom is wicked hot!!!!!
Little late to start backpeddling doucherocket.

Let me know if you ever have the ballz to come through eastern Nebraska...I'll give you my address!!!!

Oh and my mom is wicked hot!!!!!

In that case give me your moms address!!!!!
none for you Jeff...you're always demeaning my hero Jeff!!!
I know she is SON. How have you been sorry i ran off but I am a rambling man
none for you Jeff...you're always demeaning my hero Jeff!!!
Mumau? ? He's the friggin chit man- you kiddin me??

On behalf of the other Jeff-(Mumau Jeff) You are changing the subject that you presented- which was your hot mom, for this newfound information- we need pics for proper verification of mom hotnesssssss.........:hehe:
I know she is SON. How have you been sorry i ran off but I am a rambling man
Dewsh, I mean dubs- just stand aside and take notes, we will let you know when it's ok to take off the hockey equipment :hehe: :hehe:
Calling grown men son is a big fail... Quoting country songs fail number two. Your just not learning.
You guys better let up or someone is going to break out the Chuck Norris pants

why dont yall shut the **** up before i come to your house beat the **** outta you . and while your on the ground fading in and outta conciousnos you can watch me tongue punch your hot moms fart box

I'm your huckleberry.
funny, if you read any of my thread... it's just a bunch of jokes and poking fun... shouldn't have picked on me I guess LOL I sure didn't do anything to you!
but that's the point...nobody did anything to him. not even the courtesy of a reply to a lousy thread on the interwebs.