Important Announcement!!!!!! Read!!!

Anyone get get any pictures of Beech Bend at the flood water crest? It was up to the bottom of the time lights at the end of the 1/4 last pictures I saw.
We are going to have the drags later this year, Chris. There is no way we can do both events with a 2-1/2 - 3 hour distance between them. We have vendors to consider and the fact that it would be next to impossible to change a venue this close and get the word out.

We are pulling two nights with two sleds. So I dont think we will be looking at the late night time. Sorry you think it sucks.

This sucks, but we will all persevere, I think if the water is back down, everyone should put thier work clothes on Friday and sat morning and go help Dallas clean up, I think we owe I to em after last years display of behavior!

This sucks, but we will all persevere, I think if the water is back down, everyone should put thier work clothes on Friday and sat morning and go help Dallas clean up, I think we owe I to em after last years display of behavior!


Excellent idea! If I weren't off in Canada this weekend I would be up for helping! I lived in an area (Eastern NC) that was hit by biblical-level flooding a few years ago. It is emotionally and physically draining to go through all of that, watching everything you've worked for damaged or destroyed, and knowing that some people have it even worse. They would probably appreciate any help that is offered.
Dennis I'm really sorry this happend after all your hard work. I'm going to do my best to be there and put the 'ol IDI on the rollers and enjoy the pulls. Thanks so much for doing this each year. This too shall pass.

Well, we aren't the only ones set back because of the Water at Beech Bend. One of Beech Bends biggest events, The Buick Nationals has been postponed also.
I was already halfway through vacation when I saw this news. I was on a beach in Florida when I got about 6 texts telling me the dreaded news.

Really unbelievable honestly. But what can you do.... just shake your heads and keep on going. I'm so glad Dennis and Sheila are such troopers and still putting on this event for us!

I think frankly, mother nature is pissed off that it's on mothers day weekend lol, maybe she's saying it should be moved forward a few weeks.

I'll still be there and bringing cookies, even though they don't make up for the lack of the drags.
Anyone get get any pictures of Beech Bend at the flood water crest? It was up to the bottom of the time lights at the end of the 1/4 last pictures I saw.

That's what I was wondering, just how high did it get it after the pictures we saw? I know the place I sat the first year I went appeared to be a good 8-10 feet or so under water, which was at the end of the smaller set of stands on the north side of the track.
That's what I was wondering, just how high did it get it after the pictures we saw? I know the place I sat the first year I went appeared to be a good 8-10 feet or so under water, which was at the end of the smaller set of stands on the north side of the track.

I just saw this on the local tv website. We sponsor the right lane at Beech Bend. Check it our our sign on the scoreboard is at least still on top of water :clap: :cheer:

Beech Bend Will Not Open Due To Flood Damage

I was trying to find pics on google maps of the pulling area in Franklin. Anyone know if its big enought to hold show and shine, parking etc.?

Also, did the flood screw up the Franklin pulling location at all? I havent heard any info yet. Looking on google theres a lake or river right next to it. :rolleyes:

Google Maps
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The Franklin Location is huge. More than adequate. And no it is fine. The Flooding did not effect the pulling area
I just saw this on the local tv website. We sponsor the right lane at Beech Bend. Check it our our sign on the scoreboard is at least still on top of water :clap: :cheer:

Beech Bend Will Not Open Due To Flood Damage


that video was awsome, the owner was talking about breaking out horse wagons and brooms!

but overall it still blows! this would have made my second year attending without any racing!
Franklin is way bigger than the Bowling Green Fairgrounds! Things are looking up judging the amount of trucks I've seen in the Bowling Green Area.

And Since I'm on the Subject, Guys keep in in the low, less smoke setting in Bowling Green and Franklin. You will get a ticket for Excess Smoke! Also if you are drinking get a DD!!!!!!
About Franklin

Living in Franklin I thought I would post up a little info about the town and what to expect at the park.

Franklin is damp or moist - meaning liquor by the drink at restuaraunts only. No package stores or beer at gas stations. Stock up in BG or make "run to the line" (beer run to TN state line).

The park is much much bigger than the SOKY fairgrounds where the pulls have been held in the past. There is a pretty good sized set of concrete bleachers not unlike what you would find at a high school football stadium. But we will fill them up so bring some chairs. Hopefully the parks dept has scrounged some extra metal bleachers from the ball fields to put on the opposite side for even more seating. There isn't a whole lot of trees right around the pull area so take into account some sun protection.

I havn't been to the park since Saturday but I would imagine the parking areas are still a little soggy. There is a campground in the bottom of the park but the bad news is that Drakes Creek runs right down there and flooded it too.

The road that the park is off of is a by-pass around the town and is a speed trap even when nothing is going on. I would imagine it will be more so this weekend. It is 35 mph on the biggest part of it.

I've got to work tomorrow but will be out Saturday. Dennis and Shelia, yall keep Wizzo and Sanders straight.