Important Announcement!!!!!! Read!!!

Man, that really stinks! It really stinks for Dennis and you the most, and I'm glad you guys keep doing what you're doing. Thanks for all of your hard work and efforts! I'm up for going to another track too if at all possible. I'm still not ready but going to keep my plans on like I'm still going racing in BG Friday and saturday. LOL
That Sucks! But I'm glad you got the word out and made the decision! Thanks!!
Well mother F%$@&R..:bang Now if thats not a kick in the teeth nothing is. Only good thing I can see is that we were able to find out early enough so everybody can make plans accordingly. Let us know if anything changes.... Chit, chit, chit, chit... :bang
Thanks for the advanced warning. I'll have to reconsider the trip. Sorry for everyone involved with trying to make this happen, especially those who have thrashed on the trucks/cars to make this event.
Well mother F%$@&R..:bang Now if thats not a kick in the teeth nothing is. Only good thing I can see is that we were able to find out early enough so everybody can make plans accordingly. Let us know if anything changes.... Chit, chit, chit, chit... :bang

And I think theres no cancel clause on the room we got for 3 nights.......Im still game at any other track
SHOOT!!! I didn't know we were going to have an AIRBOAT class..... I am surprised Dennis didn't have NOS on the dingy. :)

Really though thanks TS crew for all the hard work... but sometimes mother nature is a bigger ***** than the trucks are......
It happens! Glad I got a phone call letting me know. Ive been sweating a few projects getting finished in time to make it there.
Dang.. that really sucks for the event and the drag strip itself.. Sorry to see this happen.

On the bright side, we do know in advance rather than it happening the night before.
Well that sucks.... I was all excited about the new display and least I can still set up at the truck pulls...I hope maybe some of the racers will hang around...maybe even show off their rides someplace? Be cool to drive around, or find a place big enough to unload them so people can still meet and greet...ya know?
well crap, i guess ya'll have fun, i'm not gonna ride 10 hours just to go to a sled pull. Racing was what I was coming for. Let me know if yall find another local track, i'd still come if racing was gonna happen elsewhere...
Can we bring our boats and have boat races instead?

This for sure is a bad deal. Sorry guys!
Wow, I'm shocked, I was so totally bummed that we had to cancel due to a mechanical and when I called the Fairfield to cancel our room she told me the event had been canceled. That the second time a mechanical has canceled our plans. I thought the Drag Race gods where against us. I'm thinking they are against TS more. I really feel bad for Dennis and Sheila and the rest of the TS crew. Hopefully it can be rescheduled and we can make it.
After doing a little research, it looks like Goodlettsville, TN is the next closest track.... 52 miles away from BG.
Jeez we need diesel outboard racing.

I dont think i will make it, i got to rip out of Hotel ponder tomorrow for Atlanta, i hear its wet there

Bash on the bayou got me filled up with diesel anyhow
And I think theres no cancel clause on the room we got for 3 nights.......Im still game at any other track

Thankfully I CALLED and made the reservations and so im able to cancle. I found out the hard way a few years ago that if you do it on line you may be up Beach Bend Creek without a paddle and not be able to get your full amount back. :bang