it's scary what can be found in an ECM

If what Rich is saying makes sense then tell us why Cummins put a value in the tuning software that EfiLive translated as "mm3" that some think is not directly related to fuel flow?

The tune is built around this parameter. You run out of fuel flow volume the engine loses power. You build the tune to reflect a loss of fuel flow by lowering the numerical value of this parameter and the engine responds the same as it would if fuel flow volume were restricted. A well built tune will have the mm3 parameter adjusted to match the fuel flow volume of the components on the motor.

Actually, most of the tuning engineers do here at work is with torque base fueling FYI.

And how many tuners out there adjust all the tables to work with the injector flow tables/sheets? Most of the time guys just come in the shop, say "I got me some of them there 100% over injectemers" (because we all know every 100% over injector is the same, right???), then the tuner makes it work.
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Actually, most of the tuning engineers do here at work is with torque base fueling FYI.

And how many tuners out there adjust all the tables to work with the injector flow tables/sheets? Most of the time guys just come in the shop, say "I got me some of them there 100% over injectemers" (because we all know every 100% over injector is the same, right???), then the tuner makes it work.

My stand alone is torque based fueling and does not negate the fact that the ecm at any time knows exactly how many mm3's it is commanding. (A properly calibrated one)

Speed based or torque will not change that.
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Going back to the original argument, you say the table is to blame for rail hang. You claim, "This is why you have to bump the truck down into neutral to get it to stop hanging the throttle."

In more recent posts you claim mm3 is nothing more than the ecm's interpolation of tps %.

Say we are at 3000 rpm at the far left column. It's in the red, maxed out. "rail hang" area. What does removing the load have to do with slowing the engine down, getting out of "rail hang" and back into the green.

What you see happen in the logs is every value drops to zero, specifically the duration events. The injectors simply do not fire.

Pre, main, and post events all go to zero.

I don't have that issue at all because my tunes have ZEROS all the way up in the ZERO column.

When I say zero fuel, zero gets commanded.
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Here's why.....

Here's one of MY tunes....


Here is the tune in question....

Tell ME what YOU see....

What happens in this tune when you come FULLY off the throttle. Remember, we were commanding 36k psi (limited to 23.2K)....look at the duration values on the thottle vs OFF the throttle. What's the problem there?

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Oooo a test ! Nothing ? RP is limited so it will never get there and anything below 7K at idle is meaningless ...... oh my, hope I didn't show to dumb a card lol

edit: :-0 I think I did !
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still don't know but obviously the first column, I didn't realize that was the PW table. Needs my specticals!
1. I was asking in reference to your original unedited post, why neutral brings about a zeroed out condition.

2. Pull the stick out of your ass. Just because you think you know all there is to it, doesn't mean you need to be a dick.

3. Triton, put the pom pom's down for awhile, it's getting old.
1. I was asking in reference to your original unedited post, why neutral brings about a zeroed out condition.

2. Pull the stick out of your ass. Just because you think you know all there is to it, doesn't mean you need to be a dick.

3. Triton, put the pom pom's down for awhile, it's getting old.

I don't have a stick in my ass, just answer the question.

I'm feeding you the info, answer the question.

You guys have been quick to sharp shoot me, and now I'm giving you the opportunity to interpret what you see.

I don't think I know it all, but I DO know who the forum sharpshooters are.

Answer the question and then I'll tell ya what happens when you bump to neutral.
If it makes ya happy, scale it up to's IRRELEVANT.
It would be indeed, the Cummins ECM (Duramax too actually) imposes a 400mm3 limit on it's calculations. If you put in 500mm3 to a table, the max it will pass through the rest of the system is 400.
It would be indeed, the Cummins ECM (Duramax too actually) imposes a 400mm3 limit on it's calculations. If you put in 500mm3 to a table, the max it will pass through the rest of the system is 400.

Thanks Ross.....did not know that.

The pulse width will jump to that column cus its trying not to add any more fuel cus you just lifted the gas but cus there is a number in that column when it should be a Zero you get your hang ?
I'm speaking in reference to the axis, not the cells.

If you're referring to the cells, then of course it will go to 0 (or the lower limit) if you input 0.

If you're actually referring to the axis, I would suppose by defining 0 then it does not have to pick a point between the lowest defined integer and 0. (This is assuming that it "smoothes" between the x axis defined integers)