Jan. 24th Cam Seminar

Adding another to our group.. Should be 4 of us..
Bryan Crouch
Brad Crouch
Marv Crouch
Cody Bruner
Awesome seminar Zach. Thanks for putting it on. Really opened my eyes on stuff and I learned a whole lot. Thanks again. And thanks to TSTC for hosting it for us. They got a pretty slick setup up there.
Zach, thanks for putting this together.. great to have people trying to give out information and help everyone.
No problem guys anytime.

Reb.B I didn't think you had a pair. Now I know you don't. Stay behind the safety of your keyboard and talk $hit. I was actually prepared to buy you a beer and talk shop. Eh whatever.

Zach Hamilton
Do you think you'll ever put another one of these on again? Maybe about high performance engine building or matching turbo's to your application?
For sure just post up what you want to know about and I will start collecting info for a class.

No problem guys anytime.

Reb.B I didn't think you had a pair. Now I know you don't. Stay behind the safety of your keyboard and talk $hit. I was actually prepared to buy you a beer and talk shop. Eh whatever.

Zach Hamilton

i dont think that was a good idea:badidea:
Nice one Zach, :bow: guess you don't know me well. My balls are bigger than your infladed head or your "Big Stick Dyno Sheets", lol. I made the responce after you egged Don and Fletch to your cornball seminar. I have no problem sitting and having a beer :Cheer: and BSing about trucks and motors, but to take time out of my schedule to listen about a bunch of blah, blah, blah, saying how your cam is going to save to world, I don't think so. I'll be at SEMA and a couple of events around, we can see who's balls are bigger then. I have no problem with you, but if you want to continue a pissing match, I'm game. Tag your it! :kick:

As Don says, "Some guys will tell you our parts are no good. Those same guys are hundreds of horsepower behind the curve.......... " :eek:wned:
Reb, I never said anything bad about you in the past or how much power you make. I hear you have a mean truck. The only comment I made was about your character and your big boy from behind the keyboard mentality. You said you were coming....you didn't. I think I can call you out about that or is that off limits? And you are right, I did invite Don and Fletch. They are big boys and can answer my razzing if they so choose. I think those two can answer themselves without your help. If you are at Sema and you don't have a keyboard in your hand ,I bet you are a pretty nice guy. I would be happy to buy you a round or three.

I like to keep the peace unless I have a damn good reason. With Fletch, Fletch Jr., and Don I have good reason. I have never met you, I have absolutely no reason to have a pissing match with you. BTW didn't I sell you some springs last month? As far as the "infladed" head, my old greasy hats still fit like they used to.

big black dodge- to be totally honest it would be a good discussion to list out exactly what is needed at which hp level and why. What is good for 500 is totally different for 800 and so on.
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Mitch Ragini had to have those springs, he bought them and had them drop shipped here (because i had the head). I guarentee you that I did not buy them. I've run and sell only quality built parts. Yah fine I didn't make it to TX, I'll buy you a beer instead for all the pain I have caused from not showing up. I know u're into collecting all this info for making cams work and all this good stuff you talk about. Let me give you a hint, the stuff that makes 1HP work times "X" is what makes 1000HP work. Start simple, Extremely simple then go from there. Too many people bypass the simple engine movements and go to the big stuff and thats why they are stuck were they are at. I think that the things pulled a couple of months ago with springs pretty much ruled out "peace" with F-1 dealers and Hamilton Cams.
By stuff being "pulled" a couple of months ago are you refering to our spring sale? Or are you refering to numerous F-1 dealers that bought springs from me.
By stuff being "pulled" a couple of months ago are you refering to our spring sale? Or are you refering to numerous F-1 dealers that bought springs from me.

i dont think numerous F-1 dealers drive ford 4.6 trucks. not sure why they would buy those springs from ya:poke: just stirren the pot a little

unless all those F-1 dealers bought back all those so called trade in F-2 springs because they realized they are superior
that's right inline , stir it up. haha They didn't buy any F-2 springs just HD 110's. I finally threw away 2 sets of the old f-1's because nobody wanted them. Their seat pressure had relaxed to about 83lbs and I have seen stock at 78-82lbs. If you want I will start sending them to you instead of throwing them away.

Reb.b the stuff Don has been pulling for years is why I am even in this game. If there must bickering then so be it.

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that's right inline , stir it up. haha They didn't buy any F-2 springs just HD 110's. I finally threw away 2 sets of the old f-1's because nobody wanted them. Their seat pressure had relaxed to about 83lbs and I have seen stock at 78-82lbs. If you want I will start sending them to you instead of throwing them away.

Reb.b the stuff Don has been pulling for years is why I am even in this game. If there must bickering then so be it.


well if you werent selling the trade in F-1 springs, had many many trade ins as mentioned by you but only threw away 2 sets cause no one wanted them then what did you do with all the springs? sureley couldnt have repacked them as HD springs could ya have? either you have a bunch of springs laying around that arent yours or this sounds like George Bush fuzzy math to me
It sure sounds like 2 people fell for it and traded in there F-1 springs for HD110's... LOL!