Just not Natural for a diesel

Ryan...no disrespect...but that thing needs more than just a bar to be safe.
If its ever built right I bet you it'll go quicker than ever before.
There's a science to that stuff...and it's not based on seeing how far the chassis can twist into a pretzel.
Oh no I do plan on more then a a-roll bar. It needs some definet bracing in the right places. True I am no drag racing scientest but I cant afford to take it to one and drop it off either. So that leaves me going off what I already have, doing what I think it needs and going out and trying it. Spending thousands on a built-for-me chasis is just not in the budget.
Ryan...no disrespect...but that thing needs more than just a bar to be safe.
If its ever built right I bet you it'll go quicker than ever before.
There's a science to that stuff...and it's not based on seeing how far the chassis can twist into a pretzel.

You could give me more credit than that, thiers just some of that chassis info that Im not going to talk about. I took a proven set up that works so well with stout gassers in these year trucks with crazy poor weight bias and seen If it would also work well with lots more torque.... the answer is yes and very well but both of us has crept up on power tell we exceded that design; he needs to staighten it back out once again THEN add the anti roll bar, like I already posted. This was talked about when he purchased the truck also. Odd that its always the ones thats not done it that have all the answers, and please dont pull the bothers proXtreme car card, I know him very well and understand that he knows 10.5" racing and tuning suspension, he would know me by my face and tell you the same about me. Point is seeing Bean do well with the truck makes me feel so good since my health issue's retired me this year. I have 2 out there doing well that I built, it makes me feel good to see them and hope the very best for them in the future.

Ryan Tucker
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Uhhhh....you can shove your attitude up your ass.
I've been every bit as fast as you have in cars that I built myself.
And you know what....they carried the tires straight and didn't twist like a wash rag.
And you can ask my brother about that next time you see him.

You get pissy every time someone says something about that truck. Get over yourself. You're lucky it didn't hurt you and I hope like hell it doesnt hurt Bean.
Wow, sorry for that Bean. That surely was not my intentions. The one part I can agree with is I sure don't want to see you get hurt in it.

Wow. The things poeple say to others these days on the internet is crazy.......are you not a big wig on this 'Competition Diesel' web site?

Carry on.
I'm a regular old member first...and if you come at me with some arrogant bullsh!t I'm coming right back at ya.
Don't ever imply that I haven't done this sh!t personally. I choose to not have a drag only vehicle these days...I have more fun with my street toy. That doesn't mean that I haven't or don't know how. You can scratch my name in the "been there, done that" list.

I respect what you've done....but your attitude that your sh!t don't stink because of it doesn't fly with me.
Re-read it then because that's not the way it was meant or even about you in general. No you dont respect me or anything Ive done and that's Ok to, most all my post on this site since 08 has been either technical or helping where I can not bragging and talking slurs to people. I dont know you but you know a lot of people that know me or have meet me, the last thing I think people would think about me is having a 'my sh!t dont stick attitude'. I'm also the kind of guy that people's never talked to me like that in person before; Ive never told someone to shove it up thier ass in my whole life, and never would. Why cant this racing section just be about racing?
The reason I bought this truck and drove 14hrs to pick it up is because it was doing things I had never seen any other diesel truck do in that wieght class. Ryan did what he did with this truck because of what he had seen with other gas trucks of the same vintage and how they were getting them to hook. If you were to look at how its setup and the equipment under there you would never think it would do any good but it does. So its hard for me to against that and make major changes to what "everyone else" thinks it should be like. Its possible that this setup has a HP limit I dont know, maby it will do good at 900 but never be right at hp levels over that. Only way to find out is to try it and make changes as needed.
Ryan...post #123 in it's entirety was directed at me. You even quoted my previous post.

This in particular is what pissed me off:
Odd that its always the ones thats not done it that have all the answers, and please dont pull the bothers proXtreme car card,

Don't try to say you weren't talking straight to me.

Now lets just get back to Beaners wheelie thread....
Dam! I think some more people should build rides to race next to trucks already running. I mean, hell, it's so easy and cheap!:hehe:
I really should install a pass seat and charge for rides!
im just trying to give some advice im sorry you know it all you should just tell him what to do lol. want to race another 2004 4 door? didnt think so.
After your last incident, I think you should retire your cock sucker.