Letter to EPA from ATS

Kevin, I agree, but look, a lot of diesel parts are commodities with not much differentiation. In such cases it comes down to marketing and business strategy.

If you don't learn to at least think like a shark, sooner or later you will be eaten by one. With the economy the way it is, the pressure is tremendous, and you need to come up with every idea you can, or die.

If I were in business selling fuel oil and gasoline (for example), and found out that a guy down the street was selling it cheaper because he was skirting the rules, would you sit back and take it? In this situation, you can't make the product better, it is what it is. So for example, if you found out that guy was illegally paying people under the table, and you could use that information to put a hurt on the guy, you would. Taking the moral high road and doing nothing could lead to your end.

Now, if you were doing shady stuff as well, fate has a way of paying you back.

I'm not justifying any of this sharky behavior on anyones part. But it's pretty clear that many people who have never run a business have a rather idealistic viewpoint of how things "should" be rather than a realistic view of how they actually are.

I am all for being a stand up person, no question about it, but judging people for actions they might or might not have done isn't stand up either.

Everyone also seems to be forgetting that someone with a grudge probably spit this out just to hurt ATS, and that's just plain wrong. If you read the note and crap all over ATS, you're kinda playing out exactly what the rat wanted you to.
its a different story with this one because this sharky attitude you speak of on this will effect the entire diesel world. its not just one company after the other, its one company that is messing with the entire sport of diesels. weather this was spit out because of a grudge or not has nothing to do with what was said. that tactic should have never been taken because it will effect us all.

if you were walking down the street and was caught in between a gang fight street shooting, would it be any different that what has happened here? 2 different sides having problems that could intern effect everything in between with the diesel industry being the middle
I would have to paint it green with trees and flowers air brushed on

That wouldnt look too bad :homo:

I just actually just heard that you have a Purple Transmission Time to get the spray can out . . . .:umno:
Folks this thread has lived out its usefullness. Lets give time for the FACTS to come out. Thanks for the spirited discussion, however at this point everything that has needed to be said on all sides has. Time will determine what is the truth, and we will have to deal with it then.
At the request of Eric at ATS, it is reopen, again!

Eric @ ATS said:
Good morning!

I was hoping you might be willing to re-open the thread. I promised last night that I'd be in there today & was working on a reply just now when I found it closed.

I'm not sweating anybody, and we really have nothing to hide. I can understand why you shut it down, since it was just kind of spiraling & going nowhere, but I'd like the chance to deliver on my promise & leave the door open for any further (relevant) discussion it may bring.

Please let me know, and thanks in advance!

- Eric
Originally Posted by Eric @ ATS
Good morning!

I was hoping you might be willing to re-open the thread. I promised last night that I'd be in there today & was working on a reply just now when I found it closed.

I'm not sweating anybody, and we really have nothing to hide. I can understand why you shut it down, since it was just kind of spiraling & going nowhere, but I'd like the chance to deliver on my promise & leave the door open for any further (relevant) discussion it may bring.

Please let me know, and thanks in advance!

- Eric

so eric is speakign for clint? bryan cant...
Sorry for the wait, lots to address. Also sorry in advance for the headache you're all about to get from reading the novel I've spent this morning writing.
so eric is speakign for clint? bryan cant...
We both speak for ATS - if you want to speak to Clint I suggest you try calling him. Bryan has been tied up on a number of Duramax forums. I've come to a lull on some of the ones I've been posting on, so decided to start here.
Just curious, why doesn't Clint come post?
This is currently on over a dozen forums, with myself & another guy trying to dedicate ourselves to addressing them without neglecting our normal business at the same time. One man couldn't possibly keep up on it all, and our job is customer service, that's what he pays us for.
Problem is Eric , the damage is done and no matter what type of explanation you give the NET there are people to punch holes in your statements.

All I can say is that the companies representation to the customer over the years has preceeded itself.
Really? Where are they? Nobody has punched any holes in anything I've stated so far. There've been plenty that thought they were doing that, but posting something with total disregard to something that's already been explained is far from a definitive arguement. That's the funny thing about the TRUTH - it's hard to dispute.
How can u explain this part of the letter, if the attorney typed it up without Clint knowing before hand and then sent it to him then how did he(attorney) know ATS prepared a list of "larger DPF Delete Kit manufacturers and resellers"? And how did he get his hands on the support documentation?
Seriously, again? I've explained the circumstances ON THIS FORUM MORE THAN ONCE, and not too many posts back from yours. Not only that, but I've linked to other forums where it was also discussed in detail. If you'd kindly go back & read anything between the original post and yours I'm certain you will find that this has been covered.
Glad I bought a Goerend converter
And that is certainly relevant to discussion about the EPA.
I personally think this is incredible information as to who actually wrote the letter. From the sounds of it, either the attorney really doesn't know how to draft a letter in the proper legal context. Or Clint was the person that wrote the letter and is putting the blame on the only person involved that could possibly take the blame and take the heat away from the company. That would also explain how the information got into the letter in regards to the company's providing DPF deletes and invoices. There is no way an Attorney would have that much information on the company's breaking the rules without having outside input.

Very interesting...........
Well, it wasn't a legal letter to begin with, and it was a rough draft never meant to go beyond Clint & Stewart.

As far as your theory about how Clint must've provided the info on companies offering DPF delete kits - WOW. I guess it never occurred to me that attorneys must be incapable of purchasing an issue of Diesel Power or any other magazine, or performing a simple google search for "DPF Delete Kit". You are right, surely this investigative prowess cannot be possessed by the average human being, much less a lawyer whose client has a building with such magazines laying around all over the place. It MUST have eminated from none other than Clint himself, because who amongst us would be privvy to such secret information? Interesting indeed.
I am with a lot of others on caling this BS untill I see otherswise, cause how does this "attorney" come up with this list on his own or what not. Just not making sense to me.
See above, particularly the last couple of sentences.
Clint Cannon has always been a p.o.s. and also turned in DDP in monroe, along with other washington and canadian based companys. Its been none for the last couple years the letters that he has been sending to the E.PA. about certain injection and turbo companys throughout the U.S.

We should never forget this and it is amazing that he is going this far to put alot of us out of buisness or worse yet infront of a judge.
I'm not sure who your source is regarding all the people we've supposedly turned in, but next time consider getting your facts from somebody without a taste for peyote.

Please, who are these other companies? They must be encouraged to speak up! Or maybe you're just completely full of it.

You obviously have neglected to read the entire thread in your fervor to post whatever you call this drivel.
If you go back to my post #208, I think it seems kinda obvious (to me at least) that the attorney is more involved in the operation than just being a lawyer in some office down the street. I don't know that for a fact, though.
In some companies the legal presence is there all the time and has a pretty good knowledge of what is going on day-to-day. The letter itself says that the lawyer was with the ATS guys at SEMA. If he's involved in the business, he has every right to be involved at a high level like this.

I posted elsewhere that, you know, this is business.

At work, we sit around and devise all kinds of strategies to put it to our competitors. It's a part of competing. Like football. Do teams say "if we can take XYZ out of the game, we can win this thing", sure they do. Do they actually try to intentionally hurt someone? Maybe, maybe not.

If someone has an idea, and then later deems it a bad one, and decides not to act on it, I don't think that's being a bad guy. I'm sure other companies want a piece of ATS's business and have their strategies too. I doubt any of them are 100% lilly white. There are bad stories about every vendor on here if you look far enough.
You are correct, and thank you for applying some reason to everything.
I'm not a vendor , but I will take offense to this portion of the statement . In my time being in business I have NEVER I repeat NEVER done any of the sort to any of my customers nor in business as whole. In my 20 plus years in business you learn never to back stab anyone because it returns to you ten fold.
Really? So you weren't talking earlier, hell just about bragging ON A PUBLIC FORUM about having customers of ours visit you, and using that to talk bad about ATS (which is all you've done on this thread)? Publicly bashing another company then having the audacity to become indignant over what nwpadmax stated - Yeah buddy, you're squeeky clean.
I think that you should wise up and get things in order, because messing with the fuel system and increasing the flow amount isn't what the EPA wants to see either. The only reason ATS didn't put your name on the list is because they are probably not done with their EPA friendly fuel supply pump yet. This has nothing to do with Lawers or EPA. It has everything to do with a Pissing match between Clint and Jared. Jared was spending 50K with ATS a month and now they buy Suncoast and build their own exhaust mainfolds for $100 cheaper that ATS and they look exactly the same. They can fight, thats fine, fight away, But to bring EPA in on this is below the belt.

Better not mess with Clint and ATS, ......There is a new Sherriff in town.....EPA
Where is this list everybody keeps talking about? Have you seen one, because I haven't. Again, EPA could certainly build their own in about 15 seconds by searching google. Or now, thanks to the thread starters, all they have to do is sift through the numerous e-mails I'm sure that lady has gotten asking for confirmation one way or another & practically forcing their attention to this. We didn't bring EPA into anything, but I guarantee you these threads have done just that.
is clint the guy that looks like the awesome actor in this pic or is he the one with the spiked hair? he drives the boogy max right? I don't see how he can do all of this for the epa but his truck smokes like the rest of ours. can someone explain this?
I can explain this. HE DIDN'T SEND ANYTHING TO THE EPA. Guys, I can't write this in crayon to make it any simpler than that.
can you please tell me where this line came from then?
Did you follow the link like I asked you to?

I'm going to lunch now, but I hope this post isn't buried 100 deep by the time I get back LOL
I'll ask you since bryan wouldnt answer what happens to stewart cables now? I find it hard to beleive you guys could retain someone with it would seem no busisness morals, and doesnt as you guys say represent your companys views or direction in anyway.
Not bragging Eric. Just stating the facts, your nothing but hired damage control.

But thats ok I could give a pile about the Barney building and it's contents.

Thanks for clearing everything up:rockwoot:. Now we can get down to some real cool business.

Has everyone seen the pics of my new boat? Well here you go!
