Mega Cab runs 11.14@ Bradenton this weekend

Tim's a lame-brain idiotic nincompoop! ....And Duke, you're his brother! :poke:
W1cked said:
Hey Doc
I guess you missed when I informed everyone that the timeclocks at the track are broken due to lightning.
What good would a video do old man???

:hehe: LOL

By the way, you are the one asking for video:poke: Got any of your truck??:doh: There are more video's than you can shake a stick at of mine:poke: LOL
Hey Greg, I think you are scared to line it up against Wicked. Wicked knows how to bolt parts on his truck and go fast. You are now just learning how to bolt parts on your truck and make it go fast. You would get so PWN"ed!
duke1n said:
Hey Greg, I think you are scared to line it up against Wicked. Wicked knows how to bolt parts on his truck and go fast. You are now just learning how to bolt parts on your truck and make it go fast. You would get so PWN"ed!

LOL Michael:hehe:
Tim and Greg sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Tim pushing a baby carriage.

Someone needs a timeout
Naa-Nanny Boo-Boo Stick your Head in Doo-Doo!!!!

U R So PWN3D!!!!

Here Monkey Monkey Monkey
Rips 05 Dodge weighs 6500 with the driver. Its a single cab, 4x4. I did not know a Mega cab added nearly 2000 pounds? Holy Cow.
There are 16 people reading this thread right now...apparently with a collective IQ of 12
Mike, put the pipe down. Dang, at least something from Dr.Seuss...sheesh.

I am enjoying adding uber fun to this already awesome thread.......yo
There are 16 people reading this thread right now...apparently with a collective IQ of 12

What's IQ?

Burner said:
What's IQ?



Any of you guys remember back in school when you and your buddies had an inside joke and there was that guy^^^^ that thought he knew what was going on and his ignorance of the situation wound up being funnier than the inside joke? LOL
I rest my case. LOL

Back to the thread

Dukie is teh suxzors! Uber teh ghey! :eek:wned: