memory lane...

Calvin Miller, flinging weights off his trailer down the interstate, through windshields, killing small dogs....:hehe:
Thunder in muncie, the sled was so heavy the guys were having trouble getting it started. Larry Crawford hooks to the sled, and shifts gears!

You seem to think he did that on purpose. It was more of a D'OH moment.:doh:
About 3 yrs ago when I was pulling regularly still my hometown(close as it gets) pull of Lafayette, TN came around. I had been talking with the event organizer all week about rules and such, and we had discussed that it was supposed to rain as well.

30 minutes before the pull was supposed to start my truck is loaded up with my weights, trick hitch (brush pull), blocks, etc ready to go and I'm waiting on this azzhat to tell me if the pulls gonna be canceled or not. He never calls back so I don't go, about and hour-1.5 hrs later I get a call from Josh Layton (Jlayton06) that goes something like this.

J = Where the **** are you?!
M= At home pull was canceled.
J = No its not get you azz up here!
M= Your kidding!?
J = NO! And (David) Tabor's here...get up here NOW!

Well Josh's Megacab was down so he was wanting ANYONE to beat Tabor...long story short...we pull...I win...they write me a check and give a trophy....Tabor comes running up as I'm talking to "Rods"...says they flagged me we're gonna have a pull off!....we pulled again....I put 20 feet on him and went back to the tower and collected my trophy and check!:hehe::rockwoot:

Moral of story becareful what you wish for!:eek:wned:LOL
I was at the cloverdale, IN pull about 15 years ago and a new guy had built a truck that had a bad hopping problem, So at that pull he came over to me and ask for some help... while we were talking ... out if the corner of my eye i seen a HOT blond walking about 30 feet behind i started watchen her walk across the pits, then he noticed i wasent paying any attention to him anymore so he turns to see what im lookn at...turns back around and says you like that??? And i said hell yeah...she's F***n HOT... Then he says thanks thats my wife!:bang I must have told him sorry bout 50 times that night!
Well mine was last october, At the JCA pull. First time I had ever hooked my truck. I was so tore up after the run that I decided to park my truck in the mud pit at the end of the track....:bang The same one that bragg mentioned erlyer that stopped a profield tractor.. I felt it sink and since I was 2wd I just hollered for a tow... I still have some mud hid on my truck from that somewhere...:doh:
