Mike Drever 9.78 @ 142 video

That thing looks like a hand full, nice runs :clap:
Nice run can't wait till we see some straight runs see it pickup some more
Wow great runs....a bit bitter had to attend a wedding this weekend....looked like a great time.
It's amusing the 2 distinct sounds of the 12v and CR in the second video. :)

Love the look of that yellow 12v tho. That's a nice truck.
Hell of a driver...looks like wild-n-scary ride to me. Balz of steel I must say! Congrats on the long list of great runs! :D
Thanks Everybody; she is a handfull, but a whole lot of fun, lol!! We are still working on some traction issues, she will sure be something if we can get it to hook.

Thanks Everybody; she is a handfull, but a whole lot of fun, lol!! We are still working on some traction issues, she will sure be something if we can get it to hook.


One of the guys I work with said "If he'd of driven it straight, would of gotten down the track faster" :)