Muffreesboro TN Jan 8 & 9 Who's Going?

Its hockey season, I'll wear my shin guards.:shake:

You can't miss me, there is usually a line of rules complainers, from pulls, or people I offended on the internet.

I'll assign you a number, if you wish for this event....6432.
Its hockey season, I'll wear my shin guards.:shake:

You can't miss me, there is usually a line of rules complainers, from pulls, or people I offended on the internet.

I'll assign you a number, if you wish for this event....6432.

If we both spend this much time at events..... maybe we actually know each other (gasp) and just don't know it yet....

Like...... I might walk up to this guy I always see at events, hand him a beer and start talking about finding this asshole "Sleddy" when he turns all red in the face and then puffs up at me....

Does anyone have a breakdown of what classes are pulling at what times?

Friday night 7:00pm
8200lb Heavy Super Stock Tractors
9300lb Super Farm Tractors
8000lb Pro Stock Diesel Trucks
6500lb Limited Light Super Stock Tractors
6500lb Light Super Stock Alcohol Tractors

Sat. Midday 11:00 am
6500lb Light Super Stock Diesel Trators
9300lb Super Farm Tractors
6500lb Light Super Stock Alcohol Tractors
9500lb Hot Farm Tractors
12000lb Hot Farm Tractors

Sat. Night 7:00pm
Finals for all classes +
8000lb Super Stock Diesel Trucks

As far as I know the classes will be pulled in that order. Whatever time they get to the class is when it starts. There is no set time when a class will start to my knowledge. Hope this helps.

Friday night 7:00pm
8200lb Heavy Super Stock Tractors
9300lb Super Farm Tractors
8000lb Pro Stock Diesel Trucks
6500lb Limited Light Super Stock Tractors
6500lb Light Super Stock Alcohol Tractors

Sat. Midday 11:00 am
6500lb Light Super Stock Diesel Trators
9300lb Super Farm Tractors
6500lb Light Super Stock Alcohol Tractors
9500lb Hot Farm Tractors
12000lb Hot Farm Tractors

Sat. Night 7:00pm
Finals for all classes +
8000lb Super Stock Diesel Trucks

As far as I know the classes will be pulled in that order. Whatever time they get to the class is when it starts. There is no set time when a class will start to my knowledge. Hope this helps.

i want some pics and videos of danniels truck i wanna see it spool that s4t
i want some pics and videos of danniels truck i wanna see it spool that s4t

We aren't going to make it. All I'm saying is it was a very bad evening. There are 2 trucks that are not pulling Friday night that are on the list. As far as I know there will be 10 trucks running Friday night in diesel trucks. Ya'll have fun.
Like...... I might walk up to this guy I always see at events, hand him a beer and start talking about finding this asshole "Sleddy" when he turns all red in the face and then puffs up at me....


Red in the face? Perhaps, as my ears are as pure as the driven snow... speaking of which, you dern southerners are funny, last night they were canceling schools because there was a THREAT of snow!!!!!!!!

This morning...nothing, well we MAY have got a 1/2"!!!!!! It was just too risky!!!!

Ah well, the kiddies needed a day off.

And fix yer dang hotel heatrs!!! 90 all night, and its just above freezing!!! Sheesh!!!!
Red in the face? Perhaps, as my ears are as pure as the driven snow... speaking of which, you dern southerners are funny, last night they were canceling schools because there was a THREAT of snow!!!!!!!!

This morning...nothing, well we MAY have got a 1/2"!!!!!! It was just too risky!!!!

Ah well, the kiddies needed a day off.

And fix yer dang hotel heatrs!!! 90 all night, and its just above freezing!!! Sheesh!!!!

The problem is 3 fold...

1 - People aren't used to it, and general human nature is to overdo just about anything, so when the chance arises..... people overdo the sh*t out of it. If it only rained a couple, three times a year it would be the same thing.

2 - We're not set up to handle snow very well. It wouldn't make sense for us to have the level of plows/salt trucks that you would expect for a northern area. Nobody is going to spend the money and maintenance on equipment to sit all year and maybe get used once or twice.

3 - Our climate is much warmer than most northern states. Because of this, whereas you all might get a foot or more of snow and think nothing of it.... if we get 1/2" of snow, it melts my friend. You know what you get when the sun goes down after that? Ice. Lots and lots of ice. If it were colder.... like it is up north.... it would never melt off, never make ice and you could drive around in 4 feet of snow and think you were Heman like you seem to.


I can't speak for some pos hotel you stayed at though.

I agree....Don't care where your from, NObody can drive on ice well...
We aren't going to make it. All I'm saying is it was a very bad evening. There are 2 trucks that are not pulling Friday night that are on the list. As far as I know there will be 10 trucks running Friday night in diesel trucks. Ya'll have fun.
what do u mean did he blow it up and who was the other one?
The problem is 3 fold...

....... if we get 1/2" of snow, it melts my friend. You know what you get when the sun goes down after that? Ice. Lots and lots of ice.

Correctumundo. Nice layer of ice out here now, FUN! Monster Truck Dave is driving, no fear!!

We did see a redneck salt defeater though- A low boy with a brine tank chained to it, and a spray bar.....heheheheh.
fixing to be heading out to the pulls with in the hour. Might eat at hooters depends on what my ol man and buddy wants to do. Hope to see you guys there.
Anyone see the vid of Get-R-DONE deere friday? Hit the sand and the sled pushed it up onto the barrier. Heard the sled pan didn't drop.