Muffreesboro TN Jan 8 & 9 Who's Going?

That "Get-er-Done deere had A Awesome run,But SAT, night Went to the Justinson family pulling team,Patricia Drove the "Legacy"truck right INTO the sand pile,GOOD JOB Patricia,,you were the HIGHLIGHT of the pull,I know if I ever needed a good driver you would be the one,,lol....
Why were there only 5 trucks though? All in all it was fun to watch. What did the white ford break? Rear driveshaft?
I was hoping to see some of the bigger trucks at the event, was kinda up set about it but still had a good time and BS with every one.
I want to appologize to everyone for posting that there would be Mod class to run Saturday night. I was under the impression and had been told that there was going to be a class. After I got there Saturday afternoon I was informed that they did not have any Mod trucks to show up. Still had fun even after the problems we had Wed. with a buddys truck.

Congradulations to Patricia Justinson and her family for the win! They are all great folks! In my opinion the 2 best looking trucks there Legacy and Corn Fed.

well boys ,there was no mods that signed up besides me,what i was told by joe,that fellow that runs the show,but it still was a good show,it was good seeing PHILL an KEVIN again,boy you guys make it worth the while coming to Tenn,
Why were there only 5 trucks though? All in all it was fun to watch. What did the white ford break? Rear driveshaft?

There were 6 trucks that ran Saturday night. It was suppose to be the top 5 from Fri. night to pull but there was only 6 trucks to run so they just let all of them come back Sat. night.

I think the white truck got a rearend but looking at it from the start line I couldn't tell for sure. He had a decent run goin looked like before the break.
The white ford, still needs some tuning he has been to a few pull up here in ky & with a good 2.6 truck you can beat him. From looks of it i'd say his rearend went.
well boys ,there was no mods that signed up besides me,what i was told by joe,that fellow that runs the show,but it still was a good show,it was good seeing PHILL an KEVIN again,boy you guys make it worth the while coming to Tenn,

when did u get a mod truck calvin?:what:

i kid i kid. even if theres only a few trucks its nice to see some vids!
The white ford, still needs some tuning he has been to a few pull up here in ky & with a good 2.6 truck you can beat him. From looks of it i'd say his rearend went.

I agree. From what the owner of the truck told a buddy of mine he doesn't have that many mods done to the truck. It kinda shows in my opinion.
I know Blair Byers and me have put a hurting on him a time or two. But i give hime credit that he's sticking with the sport.
good try there bill,you also had a good run,,,its always good seeing ya,,GENE,get it right,there PITBULLS,NOT CEPEKS,WRONG AGAIN,DANG YOU SURE TRY TO GET STUFF GOING,JUSTIN..........,ZIP IT BUD,YOUR A STONE THOW AWAY FROM ME,GRRRRRR,,NEXT TIME WE GO OUT YOU CAN BUY YOUR OWN DRINKS,WHat a pal