My class Idea?

Dont settle this just yet wait till the Dekalb pull so I can get it on video :pop::pop:
Not that much difference between the 2.6 or 2.8, yeah I built my truck for 2.8 and the RULES let me drop to the 2.6. The truck ran better in the 2.6 anyways, hopefully I can get the time and money this year to put the engine on the dyno stand and fine tune it, I hope there's more there this year then last for all the cry babies out there!!! My attitude toward pulling is 1st or last don't matter to me, I'm having fun out there with my SELF BUILT TRUCK!!! If all I got to do is put fuel in it and refill my air-to-water cooler every weekend and it loads itself on the trailer, I've always got 1st place in my book!!! Everybody keeps saying it's a money game, money don't mean s**t if you don't spend it in the right place.

I don't think beating em more will help with shutting up any cry babies. LOL

Didnt someone say "Pretty don't pull"?? Yet you're jazzing it up with paint & such but not dyno tuning. Tisk tisk! :badidea: :D just razzing you, can't wait to see what you bring out this year! Unfortunately, sounds like your new paint scheme is similar colors to mine (red/metallic black). Oh well, yours will pull farther anyways. I'm just a lowly little durasnack for the hot dodges down here. Maybe I can battle with Michael Pauls Powerstroke for mid-pack finishes. LOL. (that's not a slam at MP either, it's a super respectable running stroke & I'd be beside myself if I run close to him!)

I'm like you, I'm purely getting into this to have fun. I doubt my truck will have near enough nads to break into the top 10 around hear when all the hot trucks show up. I know that coming into this & have no wild illusions of storming onto the scene kickin ass & taking names. Just gonna be glad to finally field a truck!! Sucks some of my friends are getting out right when I'm getting in though. Maybe they'll still come help me! Half the fun is hanging out in the pits chewing the fat the diff friends.

Later y'all.
Danny I was only messing with you about your truck. The whole making fun of your paint I was just playing around. If I really hated your truck that much I wouldn't offer to come over and help wrench. Since you won't answer your phone or your texts like I said you have a problem with me or what I said then you tell me you know where you can find me.

Is there any English in there??

Bob, I don't know you from Adam...but you sure don't seem like you have too many friends around here?

:blahblah1:bob you might be able to talk st*t and suck d**ks but you cant pull trucks! are you related to mitch seems both of you got same problem
I think everybody is missing the point that there is no more 2.8 class. So if you had a 2.8 truck you had two choices..2.6 or 3.0 That means now your truck is now 2.6 or 3.0 depending on which way you went. If you bolt on a 2.6 charger and pass the rules it's a "2.6 truck". The days are long gone of throwing in some injectors and an edge box and thinking your going to bring home the gold. How about admire the technology and time in all the trucks out there. An if you dont like how expenseive the sport has become or how competetive it is now, then stay home or sit in the stands.
I think everybody is missing the point that there is no more 2.8 class. So if you had a 2.8 truck you had two choices..2.6 or 3.0 That means now your truck is now 2.6 or 3.0 depending on which way you went. If you bolt on a 2.6 charger and pass the rules it's a "2.6 truck". The days are long gone of throwing in some injectors and an edge box and thinking your going to bring home the gold. How about admire the technology and time in all the trucks out there. An if you dont like how expenseive the sport has become or how competetive it is now, then stay home or sit in the stands.

:clap: well said Taylor
I think everybody is missing the point that there is no more 2.8 class. So if you had a 2.8 truck you had two choices..2.6 or 3.0 That means now your truck is now 2.6 or 3.0 depending on which way you went. If you bolt on a 2.6 charger and pass the rules it's a "2.6 truck". The days are long gone of throwing in some injectors and an edge box and thinking your going to bring home the gold. How about admire the technology and time in all the trucks out there. An if you dont like how expenseive the sport has become or how competetive it is now, then stay home or sit in the stands.

I promise to put ft on you first hook!!!! we already made that bet.... loser is buying food ont he way home. lol
Honestly, another 2.5 class would be ok, but it would really have to be a big difference from the 2.6 and workstock to be a good varient class. In order to do that you would have to limit air and fuel both, and even go as far as limiting electronics on CR vehicles, and pump size on 12v's.

Electronics: I would outlaw any stand alone AND EFI live all together. Any power electronics used must be in form of a hand held programmer and/or a box that plugs inline with the factory wiring harnesses.

Turbo: Small Frame off the shelf turbo's only. i.e: S300, HT2B, HX 40 or 50, GT40 (i think, maybe GT42) and any other similar turbo series. Limit every aspect of the turbo aswell so that no custom job could slip in and take the show. Air to Air intercoolers only, no water or bottles of any kind.

Injection pumps: Limit to one CP3 on CR engines, p-pump engines are allowed up to a 12mm. I know alot of fuel can still be had out of a 12mm pump. If you think it would be necessary, you could even limit things such as DV's and plate sizes maybe, maybe not.

I know it would be hard to enforce the turbo internal limits and p-pump limits with just a basic visual inspection. But honestly this would have to be a protest thing. If someone protest, then what ever is protested on the truck in question would have to be taken apart and measured to prove that the truck is legal. If that person will not want to tare his truck apart, then they will be stripped of thier winnings for that pull.

This would be the only way you could really regulate that class, but it would still be a money class.

The only problem with doing this is, I believe the workstock class and a 2.5 class such as this would be way too close to being the same on the track.

What would actually be a better idea I think would be to allow the 12v and 24v VP trucks, and also the Ford 7.3L to run a 2.45 turbo, still being a small frame charger and with other internal limits to make it basically an off the shelf turbo. I know alot of you are thinking "well why not let the CR vehicles use a 2.45 aswell", but honestly, we all know a stock turbo 12v or VP truck probably will not stand a chance against a CR vehicle in most situation. Even with an HE351 turbo, I still don't see either of them giving a CR a good run for thier money at least.

Just throwing this out there. THis is the idea I had in my head if some one wanted to make this class run with a sanctioning body. I just don't see how you could have much difference between the 3 classes with adding the 2.5 back. It would be closer to a workstock level IMHO. But if used in a county brush pull, or added as a non sanction class at a sanctioned event (sanctioned members could not pull the 2.5). This would allow people with a basic off the shelf 2.5 charger and a box or 2 to get thier feet wet to see if they like it with out getting discouraged because they got dead last in the 2.6 class and couldn't pull workstock.

Like i said, just throwing this out there. Don't hate on me too bad about it........