NADM June 13 Union Grove Wi Pull

Looks like I will not be able to make this event..:bang
Between the Money spent going to and at RPMfest and the 2K$ i just spent getting a new trans, I financially cant do it..

Ill ask My wallet about Springfield as it gets closer

Unfortunately its looking the same for me! Finally got the head back and moving forward, but had a buddies father pass away yesterday and its really going to cut in on my time to work on the truck. I still have my fingers crossed but...
Ill be there cant wait either, my first NADM pull:rockwoot:
Wish I could make it but I still have not got my cam back so as of now im running a re-ground 4v towing cam lol. Hope the weather is awesome for u guys!!!
Weather should be ok. It is supposed to rain in the morning then clear up. They are very good at working the track to get it into shape.
Am showers, no big deal. Theres enough clay to work with it.

On our way.
the where only three of us in the 2.8 class and four of us in super street