NE PA Rules

Hey any news on this???? I'm not apposed to 2.8 or an open class, but like it was previously stated "the big shots have to go along with it"

we've decided on rules and have approved them. NPJ will be having a WS, 2.8, and SS classes this year. the rules will be posted online soon, when that happens ill post a link up to them.
Awesome, glad they went threw with 3 classes. I think majority of the pullers will be happy and attendence should be good.
we've decided on rules and have approved them. NPJ will be having a WS, 2.8, and SS classes this year. the rules will be posted online soon, when that happens ill post a link up to them.

awsome! Thanks Rob. I guess none has heard what west end is doing yet? or SCPA ether?
From what I've been told the rules have been given to west end, and so far the directors comments were "looks like something we can do" ...
West end is much harder to work with than NPJ, they were supposed to run updated rules last year but stuck with the old ones at the last minute. I have no idea what SCPA has in mind.
as far as scpa goes i know that they like hot running trucks. if anybody knows that guy that runs it give him a call and see what they want to do. i think his name is chris bonavita. not 100% sure on the name. also someone needs to get ahold of bob chapman and see what his plans are this year. maybe newfoundland would want to get aligned with our rules.
as far as scpa goes i know that they like hot running trucks. if anybody knows that guy that runs it give him a call and see what they want to do. i think his name is chris bonavita. not 100% sure on the name. also someone needs to get ahold of bob chapman and see what his plans are this year. maybe newfoundland would want to get aligned with our rules.

Yeah his name is Chris Bonavita. I'll see what I can do to get ahold of him after the rules are posted.
These are all the scpa pulls(not sure about troy though)

SCPA does not run the pulls at the Harford or Wyoming County fair - only the pulls at the Wyoming County fairgrounds in the early spring and early fall.
they did there not alowed to any more do to a mud wresling fight between to girls one time
they did there not alowed to any more do to a mud wresling fight between to girls one time

That was not at the fair in August. That was a pull in the early fall at the Harford Fairgrounds...not the fair.
as far as scpa goes i know that they like hot running trucks. if anybody knows that guy that runs it give him a call and see what they want to do. i think his name is chris bonavita. not 100% sure on the name. also someone needs to get ahold of bob chapman and see what his plans are this year. maybe newfoundland would want to get aligned with our rules.

Susquehanna County Pullers Association
One of these numbers is Chris Bonavitas
(570) 406-1203 or (570) 833-0324

Im waiting on a call back from Bob Chapman...
Rob, if you want to call him he said no problem and if there is any kind of meeting let him know

Here is his number
Bob Chapman

Side Note:Wayne County dropped Full-pull Poductions so Bob Chapman is going to be running the show

Rob, if you want to call him he said no problem and if there is any kind of meeting let him know

Here is his number
Bob Chapman

thanks, mike.

Side Note:Wayne County dropped Full-pull Poductions so Bob Chapman is going to be running the show


ic. are they gonan use new rules or just go with what FPP had?
That was not at the fair in August. That was a pull in the early fall at the Harford Fairgrounds...not the fair.

ya your right forgot about that,

but this is awsome that there going to work with you on a set of rules for some of the fairs also
most of NPJ's schedule is done, but not all. ive been in contact with wayne and im just waiting right now until its all finalized. i can tell you this right now, money is a major issue this year to the fairs.

last night there was a metting with pocon old-time (west end). i havnt heard what they've decided yet. they were looking into adopting NPJ's rules.