new from Texas (5+ years ago)

3-4 hours is being extremely generous. And way more than I am getting.

It makes me delirious, more clumsy than usual and gives me slight ADD. 3-4 hours is not good for me!

wait. that might explain it.......musta put the wrong ones on this morning.


i know you are. I just get tired of hearing it from others.

LOL Well played! I know, some people are just rude.

Stuck on an island with lady gaga. I think I'll kill myself now.

You poor bastard...
If I get cookies I may not end it just yet. . . .

theres hope! hold on man!! you can make it!! theres light at the end of the tunnel.

i think

if not just go ahead and end it now. make it look like its blamable.
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Well, if the shoe fits...


That's Jarrod hahahahahahahahhahahaha

Sent from my truck with training wheels on
I never knew it until now, but that is what I have always wanted most in this world. Finally, inner peace is attained.

....wait...the fuk is a Teletubby:confused:.
Hooray for babysitting drunk friends of friends. Who insist on acting dumb and whiney. Just. Great. :bang

Sent from my iPhone
you must not be young.

Hooray for babysitting drunk friends of friends. Who insist on acting dumb and whiney. Just. Great. :bang

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Step#1: Empty all the garbage cans you can find.
Step#2: Place cans in such a way drunk interlopers inevitably fall into them.
Step#3: (Optional) Cover garbage cans.
Step#4: Drag cans filled with interlopers outside.
Step#5: Stand cans up on the roadside.
Step#6: Give a swift kick to each garbage can filled with one or more interloper.
Step#7: Watch interlopers trapped in garbage cans roll down the street to eventually becoming someone else's problem.
Step#8: Grab a drink, sit down, and relax, because that was a lot of work (probably).
I have a question for the op, and I hope it doesn't offend anyone, but do you race your truck, or sled pull?
I have a question for the op, and I hope it doesn't offend anyone, but do you race your truck, or sled pull?

No. She hauls mostly. What you may ask? Ass, mostly!

I have a question for you? Do you? Or are you just here to stir up ****? I've seen two of your posts today that pissed me off now. You start picking on Pinky on a day like today or any other day for that matter and you will never post on here ever again. You can go back to whatever rock you crawled out from under and flip up your tow mirrors there.
Thanks boys. I know I can always count on y'all to watch out for my big bumper!

Today is such a sad sad day... :(

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