new from Texas (5+ years ago)

On the bright side. I get to go to work today. It will be 5th of June where I am. 18 days since I last had a mission to do, while deployed to a less than wonderful location.

I figured this thread needed a derail.

It's been the 5th for 40 minutes where I'm at.
The 5th is gonna suck major ass. Its my birthday but all I'll be able to think about is all the people at Dex's memorial and I can't be there.
"For disappearing acts, it's hard to beat what happens to the eight hours supposedly left after eight of sleep and eight of work."
Well. Here we are. About 4000 away. You know it's gonna happen. It has to. :)
"For disappearing acts, it's hard to beat what happens to the eight hours supposedly left after eight of sleep and eight of work."

Yup. Hit the nail on the head...

Well. Here we are. About 4000 away. You know it's gonna happen. It has to. :)

Oh dear...

This one sums up today for me quite nicely... "I'm not sure if I have free time, or I just forgot what the hell I was supposed to do!"
Nice Goose. I finished work on Monday and am still stuck in the wrong damned country!!! least its day off and back on sunday at 6 am...fook....oh least it aint 7 days a week anymore for awhile

been rainy here all pastures actually are green instead of dust
Hey Christine, I think you need this decal to complete you. :hehe:
4b00a96d.jpg least it's day off and back on Sunday at 6 am...fook....oh least it isn't 7 days a week anymore for awhile

been rainy here all pastures actually are green instead of dust

You and your horrific grammar and spelling. UGH!

We got some rain here last night as well! :snoop: Be glad you have a job to go to!

Thanks for noticing.

Anytime, boss. :shake:

Hey Christine, I think you need this decal to complete you. :hehe:

Dangit Daniel! LOL Just, so much fail... False advertising and it's the wrong shade of pink!

is that this girl's truck?


I meant it's the same girls truck. Not that you should do it to yours.