new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Keep your head up as always Rug Rug. I know today is tough but a lot of us are with you and all his other friends.
Keep your head up as always Rug Rug. I know today is tough but a lot of us are with you and all his other friends.

I know. I'm trying. Once I feel like I'm ok for a little bit, something pops back up and I get super upset all over again. I'm so lucky to have been able to call him a bestie and be his bestie. He was such an amazing person; he never failed to make me laugh and snort on a daily basis. He will be missed.

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I Looked at this last page in this thread thinking WTF are you people talking about??....then I saw the name and that is how I found out....WTF.... This just sucks....
I will miss his random, off color and hilarious posts. Monday is going to be so hard to go to work and not have a ton of gchat messages from him with links and silly messages...

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No. She hauls mostly. What you may ask? Ass, mostly!

I have a question for you? Do you? Or are you just here to stir up ****? I've seen two of your posts today that pissed me off now. You start picking on Pinky on a day like today or any other day for that matter and you will never post on here ever again. You can go back to whatever rock you crawled out from under and flip up your tow mirrors there.
Sir yes sir! I didn't know that I was picking on anyone. I simply asked a question, and if it were a bad time, then I appologize.

Yes I do race whenever I can, and no tow mirrors here, or stack, and my truck has ZERO Cummin"g"s stickers on it.
^^^ ETA since I can't figure out how to do it in the same post.

I went searching to be informed on the situation and the comments about my poorly timed post.
You have picked a very bad time to try and stir up the pot, dear. This family just lost one of their best members. One of MY best friends. I'll ask you to please be respectful of all of us and refrain from any negative posts; take your jabs at me as you wish but let this family have our time to heal and grieve together. He was a damn good man and would not be happy with such negativity. Please take this into consideration before you post again. Thanks.

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man what a shame..that boy was always fer a good time...dammit man

only the good die young.....i didnt kow him cept from here but that boy was a trip!

He was the best kind of person. He's the type you wish everyone could be like. Charismatic, positive, caring, loyal, selfless, hilarious and all around a genuinely good person. He touched every person's life he interacted with; be thankful you had that chance! We will all miss him more than words can truly express. I'm glad this family has each other for healing and sharing memories.

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He was the best kind of person. He's the type you wish everyone could be like. Charismatic, positive, caring, loyal, selfless, hilarious and all around a genuinely good person. He touched every person's life he interacted with; be thankful you had that chance! We will all miss him more than words can truly express. I'm glad this family has each other for healing and sharing memories.

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Pinky if you need anything or even just someone to talk to pm me or message me on facebook. I'm here for you. Same goes to everyone else here. I don't know many people on here other than on the forum itself or Facebook but I know how hard it is to loose someone. And I know the forum will never be the same now.

Thanks y'all. I know we're all hurting. I'm here for everyone as well. I wish I could hug everyone. :(

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On the bright side. I get to go to work today. It will be 5th of June where I am. 18 days since I last had a mission to do, while deployed to a less than wonderful location.

I figured this thread needed a derail.
Mushy... I agree completely. It will be really tough for awhile...

Thanks Tom; we lost a really great person. It's so sad. :(
On the bright side. I get to go to work today. It will be 5th of June where I am. 18 days since I last had a mission to do, while deployed to a less than wonderful location.

I figured this thread needed a derail.

That is fantastic news for you, Scott! Thanks for the derail attempt, it sure does need a derail...