new from Texas (5+ years ago)


women are worse....hmmmmmm

Explains why you are so easy Jarrod


nothing like getting gutted to calm your ass down for a few days...

Yeah I kind of like it, actually. She stays in one spot and sleeps through the night. She is also a HUGE snuggler now. I will be surprised if it lasts a week.
We waited 45 mins to get into the building this morning since noone had a gate key..Boss called in sick.
[ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
Monday..... Is it Friday yet?

I am really ready for the weekend.

It's my Friday if that makes ya feel any better?


We waited 45 mins to get into the building this morning since no one had a gate key..Boss called in sick.

Awesome. My boss is going out of town from June 15 - July 4 :rockwoot: I can't WAIT!

I like the other picture you sent much better, LOL!

I always look forward to your musical contributions, Boo!! :)
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