new from Texas (5+ years ago)

I have 2. So therefore it's plural. :thankyou2:


I now know what you look like.

There is a product on the market for many years for users like you....


We used to have one of those on one of our jets In MD. It was a huge pain in the arse to use, very hard to type on.

While typing up and email, you know, working...a guy walking by decided he wanted to tell me it was a cool keyboard and got my attention by moving the thing WHILE I was typing.. ARGH I wanted to punch that guy n the dik!!
How dare you talk about Timbeaux like that!

Yes. Anyone who knows me well knows that I don't like sweets. My pic like that has bacon instead of ice cream.

Sarcasm brought to you by Tapatalk
Every time Lostnwalmart posts something...

I forgot what I was gonna say.
^^^ almost garanteed that is a load of illegal imports taking that crap back south. They should be pulled over and arrested for that crap. Completely unsafe. I hope he/she doesn't blow a tire and dump that van on top of the three kids in the passing car next to them.