new from Texas (5+ years ago)

That reminded me about Friday at TS. Cliff comes up and says "now that I have your attention, can one of you u -ban me?". LOL
Ok, screw Monday. Dentist says I need 6 fillings and two new crowns...AAAaaand Braums didn't put any bacon on my bacon cheeseburger....DAMMIT I'm pi$$ed.
Not nice. LOL

My wife just asked me, "dayum, honey, have you brushed you teeth in the last six months?" ass woman... :D
Lol I was just a lil bit tipsy I blame you guys for buying me drinks LOL

Lightweight? :poke: Poor bestie...

Ok, screw Monday. Dentist says I need 6 fillings and two new crowns...AAAaaand Braums didn't put any bacon on my bacon cheeseburger....DAMMIT I'm pi$$ed.

Yuck!! I hate the dentist. I never have cavities etc, but I still hate it. Also, why the EFF do they always ask you questions as your mouth is WIDE OPEN and they are working on your teeth? :what: Dumb. LOL

Not nice. LOL

My wife just asked me, "dayum, honey, have you brushed you teeth in the last six months?" ass woman... :D

I only have one filling in my head right now. Always had great teeth 'cept for the two I busted out in 4th grade. Now...."you need all new teeth" is killin' me. LOL
I hate how they always tell me I need to floss.

I floss after I eat. Always. :doh:
Hell, I'm lucky to brush my teeth twice a week. I know not of this floss stuff you speak of LOL