new from Texas (5+ years ago)

To eliminate confusion, I'd only speak to her when I want a sandwich. :lolly:

Everything else can be communicated via hand signals.

Just make sure your couch can be seen from the kitchen.

One of my friends used to take Adderall and or Ritalin and literally play video games for 24 hours straight without any breaks regularly.
It's weird on how it worked and who was on it did stuff. I am ADD and not ADHD and it helped with school.

iPhone ?
My brother was on that chit for years. Still turned out to be a lazy fu*k up.

I'm a firm believer of what my dad always says. ADD/ADHD isn't real in 90% of the people diagnosed with it, it's just a scapegoat for lazy parents. When kids aren't listening/behaving, beat the piss out of them until they do. Thats how I learned, and thats how my kids are going to learn.
My brother was on that chit for years. Still turned out to be a lazy fu*k up.

I'm a firm believer of what my dad always says. ADD/ADHD isn't real in 90% of the people diagnosed with it, it's just a scapegoat for lazy parents. When kids aren't listening/behaving, beat the piss out of them until they do. Thats how I learned, and thats how my kids are going to learn.

I agree totally. It's a quick fix to shut the kid up and claim they have it.

iPhone ?