new from Texas (5+ years ago) works........ Just sayin.

orthographiam recte est super occidere
Hey Pinkster...just wanted to say I'm sorry about what happened to your friend's horse. :(

My thoughts go out to you two.
No boobies in my thread! I have my own set (no you can't and won't EVER see) so I don't want to look anyone else's!

Hey Pinkster...just wanted to say I'm sorry about what happened to your friend's horse. :(

My thoughts go out to you two.

Thanks. It was a very long, very emotional and traumatic night. I'm just glad I was able to be there for her. :(

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How so? I don't like looking at other girls' boobies and I think Mike needs his helmet on, more often than not? :hehe:

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I will not disagree on the helmet part. However, I feel *you're* being a little insensitive to his needs and many others.
I will not disagree on the helmet part. However, I feel *you're* being a little insensitive to his needs and many others.

It isn't my fault he doesn't have a girlfriend, or is too lazy to go on the Chive, or just look at Dex's thread. :doh: what a sensitive Suzy! :lolly:

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It isn't my fault he doesn't have a girlfriend, or is too lazy to go on the Chive, or just look at Dex's thread. :doh: what a sensitive Suzy! :lolly:

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I think he has been spoiled lol! With Dex's thread and my text messages he has forgotten how to hunt for himself. I think I have contributed to his downfall. :(
I think he has been spoiled lol! With Dex's thread and my text messages he has forgotten how to hunt for himself. I think I have contributed to his downfall. :(

I'll also add I "owe" nothing to anyone, except one person. He knows who he is.

Well they say, give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime...

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Let me ask you this... What if I post chive pictures here for him? Anything? Nothing? He deserves a treat...
Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime...

It doesn't always work that way:
