new from Texas (5+ years ago)

I am not encouraging boobies either. I have a pair at home that I can look at almost anytime I like. I was just confused by the Pinksters earlier statement. She was right and I was wrong. It's all good. :)
There is more than one way to put it....but I disagree with the latest fads.



Easy now, Pinkster...I can tell you're gettin' all fired up by that poor syntax :D

That's the best way to get my point across to some of them; if I speak their "language" they tend to understand me! :)

I am not encouraging boobies either. I have a pair at home that I can look at almost anytime I like. I was just confused by the Pinkster's earlier statement. She was right and I was wrong. It's all good. :)

:Cheer: no worries!
Turn the vol down cause it's annoying music. But a cool vid.

The world's tiniest V12 engine. [VIDEO]

It's also on youtube with translations. And the music is fitting, not annoying.

There's a bunch of stuff like that on youtube. Some that actually run on fuel.

My favorite.
[ame=""]Worlds Smallest running v8 engine - YouTube[/ame]

These are a bit bigger

[ame=""]Worlds Smallest Supercharged V8 - YouTube[/ame]

Of course the ford doesn't want to start.

[ame=""]1/3 scale 302 Ford V8 running - YouTube[/ame]
...coming from a guy that wants to marry his truck? LOL

...metrosexual doesn't even cover that! LOL

You've heard the arguments 100 times before. No PMS, cheaper than a woman, don't have to wait on them to go anywhere. They don't need 100 pairs of tires, etc.... I like to do some things with women, don't get me wrong.
You've heard the arguments 100 times before. No PMS, cheaper than a woman, don't have to wait on them to go anywhere. They don't need 100 pairs of tires, etc.... I like to do some things with women, don't get me wrong.

Excuse me! There are a lot of us that aren't that high maintenance! bif

Is it the Dex thread or the sex thread.... Sigh

Jeez... Gone for a couple hours and everyone hates each other!

[ame=""]WTF is this thing called? - YouTube[/ame]