new from Texas (5+ years ago)

LOL 30 psi sounds about right. Nobody wants to deal with an over inflated beaver.

Hey Pinky; tell that hound of yours to put on her seat belt, and wipe that smug look off of her face :D

Mushy, the guys did that at deer camp one year... LOL

Steve that is HILARIOUS!!! :hehe: Though Belle is much prettier!
We'll just have to be more gentle with this one Pinky. I have recently found out that he is a sensitive male.
LOL, that is the first time anyone has ever called me that. This chit is HILARIOUSLOLLOL!! No one has ever really been gentle with me, you certainly don't need to start now sweetheart.

Your mind is SO SMALL, you are so limitedLOL. You have my pity sir, really you do.

Hey Jeff, you ever been torn limb from fuking limb, had your head torn off, and mounted above a fire place, with a giant rainbow colored dildo shoved in your mouth to dishonor and desecrate your corpse and memory for eternity, as a trophy by a "sensitive male" before? You wanna?

*That is not a threat, I am just trying to be less sensitive for you buddy:).

How'd I do? Still to "sensitive" for you? I can dial back the sensitivity more for if you wish? Just let me know:).

Wait you're the master right? You tell me what an appropriate sensitivity level is for a man, never mind one as IMPRESSIVE as you are.... Explain what feelings you feel and why those are the only ones necessary. You must know all, now is your time to prove it. Which you are eminently capable of doing so, right? SO EXPLAIN if you would:)...or can.

If you're wonder...I am not mad in the slightest. Very amused- you bet:D.
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MUSHY! LOL, I forgot about that. Oh sweet irony you strike againLOL.

Although..I suppose Jeff could have earned the name "Mushy" by being old and soft, kinda like an overripe banana left out in the sun for to long. Jeff, do you resemble a banana in anyway? Or possible a pear?
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When I drink chocolate milk. Enforce bed I get fiesty and want to slay hitler with a unicorn horn, ya know the regular.
When I drink chocolate milk. Enforce bed I get fiesty and want to slay hitler with a unicorn horn, ya know the regular.
Deflect, cool. I didn't think you could explain.

I knew it was a matter of time before he broke.
The foolish often dismiss what they don't understand.

On a completely unrelated note, you guys can be played like puppets on a string:D.
Deflect, cool. I didn't think you could explain.

The foolish often dismiss what they don't understand.

On a completely unrelated note, you guys can be played like puppets on a string:D.

More or less you appear to be on a roll tonight, I must say I have been impressed with your verbal fortitude.
Wait you're the master right? You tell me what an appropriate sensitivity level is for a man, never mind one as IMPRESSIVE as you are.... Explain what feelings you feel and why those are the only ones necessary. You must know all, now is your time to prove it. Which you are eminently capable of doing so, right? SO EXPLAIN if you would:)...or can.

But... wouldn't replying to your request serve to justify your rant?
I'll admit, there is temptation.
I'll put it this way. I have never walked a mile in your flip flops, and it seems I have plucked a nerve or two. With that, I will extent the proverbial olive branch.