new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Win ^^^^. :hehe:

Who's there?......HK 416 Mofo. :hehe:

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Gonna be one of those days... Rain cancels my crane job. You know what they do to me? Pull a crane in hazing like a mofo and has a miss... Grand, just grand. Now it's wrench time...
You have it easy. I have to run around in a dress and heels all day, while ushering super important speakers around, setting everything up, running it all, directing things, not eating, not sitting down for more than 2 minutes and having to be agonizingly sweet to everyone despite my desperate need for sleep and real food.

Then I get to do it again tomorrow!
You have it easy. I have to run around in a dress and heels all day, while ushering super important speakers around, setting everything up, running it all, directing things, not eating, not sitting down for more than 2 minutes and having to be agonizingly sweet to everyone despite my desperate need for sleep and real food.

Then I get to do it again tomorrow!

There sure seems to be a "I work for a college in any type of laboratory" theme going on here. :hehe:
There sure seems to be a "I work for a college in any type of laboratory" theme going on here. :hehe:

This is more of a "I do everything my boss doesn't because he is lazy AND he knows I will make it look like he did it all" etc. :bang