new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Snowboarding looks very hard. I used to stand up on my sled as a boy. Busted my ass good, and never really found the talent. I quit that.

It can be workout, that's for sure. Otherwise it's not bad, unless you see a sign like this... I swear I wasn't pissed off, I blame the forum member who took the photo.


I suppose it would also be bad if you were to casually cruise down the hill beer in hand. But I would never do such a thing.


You know the beer they sell in plastic bottles? It's perfect, even stays cold in your cargo pockets. LOL
I just found out that a friend from home committed suicide today. He was a really good kid, stuck in a sh!tty home environment. I don't know all the details, but it is so sad. Please please please say a prayer, send healing thoughts etc to his family and friends. :(

Sent from my iPhone

Really sorry to hear Pinky.

You and I will always weigh the same, for one reason, we love beer too much.

No, it's a kid even fatter than the one I call Fatty. Much fatter actually. But you may be right...

You need to use it in Japan! I've heard good things about snowboarding there, one of these days I'm gonna do it! My buddies are really amped up for this season, and it's been making me the same way. Colorado already has two resorts open.

Too far south to use it here. If we were on the main island I would though.
You should, expecially after 23 years! It is nice to know there are still folks out there that can make it work after so long through thick and thin. Vow's mean so much less these days. :(
Right on. I'm thick she's thin. We've made it work. Plus... I'm awesome so... She's hooked.
:hehe: ^^^^

[ame=""]Seven Mary Three - Waters Edge (Video) - YouTube[/ame]
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