new from Texas (5+ years ago)

They have VERY low standards up here. I think we found the lat bar int he country where you can smoke inside. I now feel as though i ate an ashtray last night...but at least I didn't buy any drinks...that is what officers are for. LOL

Haha, I liked north dakota where you could still smoke inside. A bar isn't a bar unless it's smokey.

And "VERY low standards" is what gets me laid LOL
In an Alaskan bar at 0140, eye phucked by no less than 7 "women" and so bored I'm rereading old CompD threads.

Epically post by a dumb phone.

Finally back to the dorm at 0315 and washing my clothes in an attempt to rid my self of the stench of self-loathing I now feel.

I believe his thread needs more randomness.

Epically post by a dumb phone.

Scotty Scott!! I know why you feel self-loathing now doooode. It's because you speed banged those seven girls that eye fukked you, yet their aggregate hotness scores did not actually add up to (7). Been there, done that. Almost have my record beat...Almost. Grab some Cranberry juice to start drinking tomorrow, because it WILL burn when you pee for a while now.

Randomness you say? How about some wabbajack?
View attachment 38260
Wabbajack wabbajack
View attachment 38261
View attachment 38262
Wabbajack wabbajack wabbajack
View attachment 38263
View attachment 38264
Wabbajack wabbajack wabbajack wabbajack

Wanted: tapatalk signature
Bish please, I was Wabbajacking guards who mocked me about me losing my Sweetroll since you were still in clothe diapers milkdrinker:D.

Your probably older than me actuallyLOL.

u guys are a trip
Is it possible? I always thought I could do it! I can I can! I can blow bong hits at people through my computer screen:woohoo:. Get ready for the cocaine cloud cocnado people!! It's about to get weird in here. The right amount of weird though, a very specific type of weird.


Hey, let's play a game. Pick out what I was serious about in above responses and what I wasn't serious about. Muaahahahah.

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Whatevz, I'd look fabulous in itLOL.

Quality meme.

*Note to reader- I do not say "Whatevz" or "B!tch I'm fabulous" in [non-internet] real life.

...okay fine. I say the latter sometimes, but only when it's warrantedLOL.

Nacho has that same sombrero! I think she looks fabulous in it; I find it hard to believe you could compete! LOL

Randomness you say? How about some wabbajack?
View attachment 38260
Wabbajack wabbajack
View attachment 38261
View attachment 38262
Wabbajack wabbajack wabbajack
View attachment 38263
View attachment 38264
Wabbajack wabbajack wabbajack wabbajack

Wanted: tapatalk signature

:hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

They have VERY low standards up here. I think we found the last bar in the country where you can smoke inside. I now feel as though I ate an ashtray last night...but at least I didn't buy any drinks...that is what officers are for. LOL

Poor Scott. Your whole tale was quite sad! I am glad there was a silver lining of free drinks through all this! LOL

You guys are a trip

Just because this thread is forever long, doesn't mean we like BS posting that really is BS. Just watch your step, youngin'!

Just so you know douche bag... One of the mods will catch this and it will all be gone and you probably will be too.

Grrrrrrr Mr. Tough Guy Rick! Relax!!!

Did you have a pinktacular weekend, Pinky?

I absolutely, 100% did!!! :) How about you, dear?
Nacho has that same sombrero! I think she looks fabulous in it; I find it hard to believe you could compete! LOL

:hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

Poor Scott. Your whole tale was quite sad! I am glad there was a silver lining of free drinks through all this! LOL

Just because this thread is forever long, doesn't mean we like BS posting that really is BS. Just watch your step, youngin'!

Grrrrrrr Mr. Tough Guy Rick! Relax!!!

I absolutely, 100% did!!! :) How about you, dear?

Full of hatred! (Sp?)
No wonder my fat friend loves it up there... At least I know to avoid the bars up there now.

Worst part is (for me at least) is that I brought my snow board and we moved to Japan before there was enough snow on the ground to use it.


I hoping we get back there before we go home though.
I just found out that a friend from home committed suicide today. He was a really good kid, stuck in a sh!tty home environment. I don't know all the details, but it is so sad. Please please please say a prayer, send healing thoughts etc to his family and friends. :(

Sent from my iPhone
Hey, I'm losing weight shirtless one!!

You and I will always weigh the same, for one reason, we love beer too much.

Fatty? Oh like this will actually stop you from going to bars. I have a feeling you will make a game of going...

No, it's a kid even fatter than the one I call Fatty. Much fatter actually. But you may be right...

Worst part is (for me at least) is that I brought my snow board and we moved to Japan before there was enough snow on the ground to use it.


I hoping we get back there before we go home though.

You need to use it in Japan! I've heard good things about snowboarding there, one of these days I'm gonna do it! My buddies are really amped up for this season, and it's been making me the same way. Colorado already has two resorts open.
Sorry about your pal C. Sucks. THT.

Snowboarding looks very hard. I used to stand up on my sled as a boy. Busted my ass good, and never really found the talent. I quit that.