new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Anybody else watch "Arachnophobia" today? They've been playing it a lot lately.


Anybody else watch "Arachnophobia" today? They've been playing it a lot lately.



haha yupp watched a little before work, then got in my car that i havent driven in a week and wouldnt you know it, big ol spider webb in the passenger seat with what i swear was a brown recluse spider in it. seeing that+just watching some of that movie= me going back inside to change my underwear
haha yupp watched a little before work, then got in my car that i havent driven in a week and wouldnt you know it, big ol spider webb in the passenger seat with what i swear was a brown recluse spider in it. seeing that+just watching some of that movie= me going back inside to change my underwear

LOL I just about die if I see a spiderweb...

At least some ladies have taste

Hahahaha why thank you! Welcome to the madness of this thread.

If you are insinuating that Pinky has taste... Um no...


Just because I think you're uglier than a horse's ass, doesn't mean I have bad taste. It just further proves my good taste! LOL

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LOL I just about die if I see a spiderweb...

Hahahaha why thank you! Welcome to the madness of this thread.

Just because I think you're uglier than a horse's ass, doesn't mean I have bad taste. It just further proves my good taste! LOL

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Cut me deep on that one... Really hurt me.
Jeez! Lighten up a touch Cruella! Lol that is probably not spelt right at all...

However I call your hateful, and raise you the sticks and stones speech!

I just almost snorted water up my nose hahahaha!!! I thought it was one of my more clever comebacks. Hmph. Such a party pooper!
Cruella is "correct". It's a phonetic name, so that's probably why you spelled it correctly. Hahahaha I need to stop lol.

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LOL I just about die if I see a spiderweb...
Trapdoor spider:

Golden Orb Spider:

Black Widow Spider:

Bird eating spider:


Don't worry, those last three aren't real..yet. I have to get my "Jurassic Spider Park" project back online. It's got caught in webs you might sayLOL.

It's not that I dislike you Pinky, but...well...I couldn't resistLOL:D. Face your fear, com'on now! I'd avoid Australia, Southeast Asia, Central America, and South America if I were you.

I don't no why people are so afraid of spiders:confused:. They eat all the annoying insects and besides- Spider are like sharks that are like dogs. They only bite when you touch their private parts *imagine I said that with a chitty Hawaiian ascent*. FYI it's a movie reference, I am not that insaneLOL.

Edit: I forgot the obligatory DAMN NATURE YOU SCARY!! LOL
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