new from Texas (5+ years ago)

Good luck killing this one Pinky, it will just rebuilt itselfLOL:
Following on this train of thought...

I would say to Malibu that proper lubrication is the key to most things in life$.02. Calluses...ouch. That's gotta hurt, but I do admire your determination and driveLOL.

Unless I'm smoking some free range granola there is no "O" in Callus, Callused, or Calluses Pinky . For shame Pinky, for shame... (See post #8014).

Kill two birds with one stone. I get itLOL.

Is it awkward in here yet?LOL

proper lube has nothing to do with genetics... of ones forearms being roughly the same size are ones calf... and yes manual labor does have a direct effect on muscle size and tone.... but not rellated to something that changes size in related to blood pressure and flow......

awkward? whats that? :poke:
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